TN Scientific Research Standards
Analyze and Evaluate Data
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Science Curriculum Standards
3295 - Scientific Research Internet Resources
- Conventions used in spreadsheets or calculators
- 16 function Scientific Calculator - includes instructions on calculator conventions
- Coolmath's Graphing Calculator - scroll down for instructions on using the graphing calculator
- Excel Order of Operations - understanding how Excel worksheets handle order of operations [BEDMAS]
- Math Open Reference Scientific Calculator - scientific calculator similar to those from TI, Casio, HP - extensive explanation of conventions used
- Mathematical Operators in Excel Spreadsheets - screen shots and a listing of symbols used in Excel spreadsheets to indicate math operators
- Spreadsheet Math Fundamentals - protocols to be used when writing math formulas and functions in spreadsheets
- Graphs and charts - four different graphs and charts for you to consider
Introduction to Graphing Calculators: Using Graphing Calculators to Describe Linear Motion in terms of Distance and Time - a 14 slide PowerPoint show
- Scatter Plot
- Creating a Scatter Plot in Excel - a long tutorial (27 pages if printed) on making your own scatter plot
- Creating an XY (Scatter) Plot in Excel - a seven page tutorial on how to use Excel to make a scatter plot
- Displaying Data - [designed for 7th grade - use for remediation ] explanation, examples and several interactive practice activities
- Displaying Data - [designed for 8th grade] explanation, examples and several interactive practice activities
- How to Use Your TI-83 or 84 Calculator to Make a Scatter Plot - provided by MathBits
- Interactive Scatter Plot - from Shodor
- Interactive Scatterplot - students enter data and make their own scatterplot with this National Library of Virtual Manipulatives page
- Introduction to Bivariate Data - several good examples of scatter plots are included
- Line Graphs and Scatter Plots - several good examples
- Linear Regression - an applet which allows your students to investigate a regression line, also known as a "line of best fit."
- Pizza Palace - Students will construct box plots independently. Students identify the mean, median, mode, and range of a set of data
- The Regression Line and Correlation - a lesson plan from Illuminations
- Scatterplots - explanation and several good examples from Canada's National Statistical Agency
- Scatterplots - a lesson plan from North Canton City Schools
- worksheet to use with the activity above
- Scatter Plot - includes examples of positive association, negative association, and no trend
- Scatter Plot - links to ten different examples are included with this Engineering Statistics Handbook entry
- Scatter Plot - the Wikipedia entry
- Scatter Plot and Line of Best Fit - four interactive applets to experiment with
- Scatter Plots - explanation, examples and several interactive practice activities
- Scatter Plots - from the Business Knowledge Center
- Scatter Plots - includes examples of perfect correlation, high correlation, and low correlation [This expired page is brought to you by the Internet archive, the Wayback Machine.]
- Scatter Plots - from Oswego City School District Regents Exam Prep Center [This expired page is brought to you by the Internet archive, the Wayback Machine.]
- Scatterplot with Overlaid Linear Prediction Plot - includes links to other plots on the right
- Spy Guys Interactive - Understanding and Interpreting Graphs - Lesson 10
Step-by-step Internet4Classrooms module - how to produce a scatter plot using Excel
- Bar Graph - Enter data to create a bar graph, then manipulate the graph's maximum and minimum values
- Charts, Tables, and Graphs: Data Interpretation - some things to remember when doing problems based on data interpretation
- Circle Graph - Enter data categories and the value of each category to create a circle graph (similar to "Pie Chart" but the user can define the data set)
- Collecting and Analyzing Data - multiple-choice quiz [5 questions]
- Data Interpretation Games - Numerous activities on using and interpreting data - Activities include bar, pie and line graphs, data collecting and much more
- Data Interpretation Practice Test - [25 questions] practice reading tables and a variety of charts; column, pie, and pictogram - answers at the end of the test
- Data Picking - students collect data, enter tally marks or numbers and then select which graph is appropriate
- Fun and Sun Rent-a-Car - students use tables, graphs, linear functions to solve a real-world problem
- Graphing Skills - What's the point? find the point on Quadrant I of a coordinate plane
- Heads I Win - predict the likelihood of tossing heads or tails and graphs the results of coin tosses
- The Hot Tub - This is a fun activity where students tell the story behind a graph and relate slope to rate of change.
- Interpreting Circle (Pie) Graphs - students practice by answering eight questions about the graph
- Interpreting Column Graphs - students practice by answering ten questions about the graph
- Interpreting Data - survey a small group by clicking on each of the children, turn the tally marks into two types of graphs and then go back and take a different survey
- Interpreting Data Quiz - after you finish the lesson above, take this quiz
- Interpreting Data - multiple-choice quiz from Gencoe math [5 questions]
- Interpreting Line Graphs - explore line graphs.
- Magic Bullets: Chemistry vs. Cancer - In this activity students will work with data about cancer deaths. The purpose of the activity is to give students some experience in reading and interpreting graphs. There is a worksheet associated with the data sets
[these two expired pages are from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine]
- Piece Of Pie - display data using a circle graph
- Push Ups - collect data to put on a line graph
- Spy Guys Interactive - Understanding and Interpreting Graphs - Lesson 10
- Stem and Leaf Plots
Lesson designed to introduce students to stem-and-leaf plots
Long Distance Airplanes - a stem-and-leaf plot lesson from Illuminations (rated 3rd-5th grade, but quite useful)
- Make a Stem-and-Leaf plot of the data you enter into the text area (ignore the warning about Internet Explorer, it works fine).
Organizing Data in a Stem and Leaf Plot - a lesson plan from Annenberg CPB
- Making a Stem and Leaf Plot - An excellent interactive assignment can be found at the bottom of this page.
- Ordering a Stem and Leaf Plot - An excellent interactive assignment can be found at the bottom of this page.
- Grouping by Fives - An excellent interactive assignment can be found at the bottom of this page.
- Overview of Mean, Median, and Mode - presented as a discussion between student and mentor
- Overview of stem-and-leaf plot - a display that organizes data to show its shape and distribution [this expired page is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine]
- Stem-and-Leaf Plots - Their Construction and Use - an overview followed by several suggested assignments
- Stem and Leaf Plotter - an interactive applet that allow students to input data
- Stem-and-Leaf plots - from Purple Math
- Worksheet to accompany a "Stem-and-Leaf Plots" Lesson
- Using Graphs to Understand Data - quiz from Glencoe math [5 multiple-choice questions]
- What Percentage of your Class is Right or Left Handed? - a data collection and analysis class experiment
- Accuracy and Precision - from Wikipedia
- The Difference Between Accuracy and Precision - theoretical examples of accuracy and precition in a meteorological instrument
- Math Skills Review: Significant Figures - pointing out the relationship between accuracy of measurement and the number of significant figures to be reported
- Precision and Accuracy - good explanation, and diagram, from Math is Fun
- Precision and Accuracy - This Jr. High Math site points out the importance of using measurement devices that are as precise as possible.
- The Science of Measurement: Accuracy vs. Precision - "The dictionary definitions of these two words do not clearly make the distinction as it is used in the science of measurement."
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