Internet4Classrooms offers printables, covering Kindergarten to Sixth Grade Mathematics. Look for a rapidly growing variety of thousands of practice worksheets tied to the Common Core State Standards, School Subjects, Activities, and Holidays.
Check out our Common Core Printables! More grades and subjects coming soon!
Common Core State Standards at I4C
Our Common Core State Standards are full of resources for every individual standard. Students can take control of their own learning by clicking on the page with the standard number, and choosing their own resource to practice that skill.
Check out our Common Core Math High School Algebra Standards, Common Core Math Standards, and Common Core ELA Standards.
SAT and ACT Test Preparation
Free Online Practice Resources for ACT Tests and SAT Tests! I4C now offers free SAT and ACT vocabulary and math quizzes. Join our SAT and ACT Test Preparation program and log in as much as you'd like. Students can take practice tests on 5000 vocabulary words or over 1000 math problems. Parents and Mentors can log in to monitor your scores - including seeing which vocabulary words they missed. Interactive quizzes allow the test taker to retake and study as much as they want.
Sign Up Here for ACT Test & SAT Test Preparation!
April Blog: The Beginner's Guide to Skype
April Blog: The Beginner's Guide to Skype Interested in using Skype in your classroom? Guest Blogger Peyton Tolliver gives tips so you can use Skype effectively in your lessons
App of the Month
Every month we are going to feature a different, and hopefully FREE, iPad/iPod/iPhone educational application. Visit our ever-changing app page.
This month's free app of the month is Make Beliefs Comix. Use your imagination to create your own world in this comic strip generator. Add thought and speech bubbles in a variety of languages and with two, three, or four panels. You can send a comic strip to someone through email or social networks. This app is great to use in the classroom to show and communicate concepts recently learned, to illustrate a story, or to present a project.
Requires iOS 4.3 or later. Compatible with iPad.
April 2014 Picks
Teacher Resources | Parent Resources | Technology Tips
This April brings us Earth Day, Easter, Passover, and much more! Visit our monthly newsletter to see all the details. Below are just a few highlights.
Here are some of the April events that you can celebrate this month:
- Autism Awareness Month - Did you know that Autism affects 1 in 88 children? I4C has pages dedicated to Autism Spectrum Disorder Resources. Learn about the signs, symptoms, and behaviors. We have Parent and Teacher resources specific for autistic children and find information about transitioning into adult life for those with autism.
- Math Awareness Month - Focus on math this month. Visit our Math Resource page, covering from Kindergarten level resources all the way up to calculus. Our Math Skill Builders are a great place to start if you want to focus on a particular math concept. Find activities and resources for each Common Core Math standard. I4C also offers Common Core Mathematics printables for Kindergarten up to Sixth Grade.
- National Library Week (4/13-19) - Hone your library and research skills this week. We have library resources for 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade. Check out our resources for librarians and our virtual and physical library resources.
- Passover (4/14-22) - Learn about the Jewish holiday of Passover this week! Find Passover history, games, and activities on our Passover resource page.
- Easter (4/20) - Happy Easter! Celebrate this holiday withI4C's Easter resource page, filled with tons of fun crafts and projects.
- Earth Day (4/22) - Honor the earth today! Check out our Earth Day page for fun activities, crafts, projects, and lesson plans. We also have Earth Science resources for you to use in your classroom.
- Take Your Child to Work Day (4/24) - Today, share your workplace with your child. Teach them about what you do during the workday and how what they're learning in school relates to your career. Here are some helpful planning tips for teachers and parents. Find ideas of what to do in your workplace, whether it be in an office, a university, or at home.
- Hubble Telescope launched (4/25) - Learn about what the Hubble Telescope has discovered, view beautiful pictures of the cosmos, and find out how the telescope works. Find Hubble Telescope educational resources here. Explore our Space page for elementary school to find fun activities and check out our Astronomy pages to learn about our solar system, stars, and our universe.
- This Autism Awareness Month, check out our Autism Spectrum Teacher Resources. We also have interactive activities for those with austism. Be sure to look at our Exceptional Children Resources to find teacher tools for students with ADHD, learning disorders, or other disabilities.
- This Earth Day, find fun activities, projects, and lesson plans you can use on our Earth Day resource page. We also have great Earth Science resources for you to use in your classroom.
- Emphasize math in your lesson plans this month. Visit I4C's Math Resource page for resources from Kindergarten level math all the way up to calculus. Our Math Skill Builders are a great place to start if you want to focus on a particular math concept for a lesson. Find activities and resources for each Common Core Math standard. I4C also offers Common Core Mathematics printables you can use in your classroom for Kindergarten up to Sixth Grade.
- Work on your students' library and research skills this month. I4C has library resources for 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade. Check out our virtual and physical library resources.
- Visit Teacher tools for all of your classroom needs.
- Go to our grade level help for lesson plans, activities, instructionals, and tools organized by grade and subject.
- If you're parent to an autistic child, be sure to check out our Autism Resources. We have a page specifically for parent resources and how to transition your child to adult life.
- Earth Day is on April 22nd. We have tons of crafts, activities, and projects for you and your child to do today!
- Celebrate Easter and Passover this month! We have tons of crafts and activities for your children to do on our Easter and Passover resource pages.
- Share your workplace with your child today and teach them about what you do during the workday. Here are some helpful planning tips. Find ideas of what to do in your workplace, whether it be in an office, a university, or at home.
- You can always visit our Parent Resources page to get grade level practice sites, find online sources, and information pertaining to homework, special needs, reading help, and more.
- Don't forget our Technology Tutorial section in case you need refresher courses in your computer skills.
- Review 2 Documents At Once - Need to edit a document and want to reference another one? You can compare multiple documents in Microsoft Word. Go to the Review section, click on Compare. Using the Compare Documents Box, select the files you want. You have the ability to highlight the comparison settings and to which documents you want the changes shown. Find more online Word tutorials here.
- Use Parental Control on Windows 8 - Did you know Windows 8 has revamped parental controls? You can filter the web for your child, apply time limits and curfews, and view activity reports. Learn how to add a user to parental control and how to view the new features here.
- Opening Programs Straight From Your Desktop - Can't find the Word or Excel icon on your desktop? If you right click on your desktop, and select "NEW," you will get a domain box of options like opening a new Word or Excel document. More tech help here.
We also have other basic instruction in Microsoft Office, including Word 2007, Excel 2007, Powerpoint 2007.
- Resources for Educators - In this section you can find classroom resources for Exceptional Children, Smartboards, Character Education, Web 2.0 Resources and other topics.
- Resources for Parents - Parents can find resources
on assisting their children with homework, time management, Internet Safety, subject area resources, grade level resources and more.

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