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Free Online Practice for ACT Tests and SAT Tests! I4C now offers free SAT and ACT vocabulary quizzes. Become a free member and log in as much as you'd like. Students can take practice tests on 5000 vocabulary words. Log in to monitor your students' scores - including seeing which vocabulary words they missed. Interactive quizzes allow the test taker to retake and study as much as they want.
February 2011 Picks
February is loaded with events and resources. Celebrate Black History Month, Presidents Day, Valentine's Day, and the Chinese New Year in your classrooms with our online tools. Play computer games for Elmo's Birthday. Predict the forecast on National Weatherperson's Day. Learn about your teeth and overall body health for Dental Month. Find physical education resources for American Heart Month. We even have a few fun games for Groundhog Day.
Our February blog is posted. We're talking about how you can help your classroom. Learn about ways to donate and adopt classrooms in your community.
Check out both teacher resources and parent resources. February features online Vocabulary quizzes, Elapsed Time, assessment test help, and understanding by design. Parents can find help on most school subjects and topics. Fine tune your Word skills with this large list of online Word tutorials. We've got 2 great tech tips this month! Did you know you can right click on a Mac. Hold down your CTRL key while you click, and the right click domain box will pop up. Did you also know spell checking in Word is quick and easy. If a word gets underlined as questionable, simply right click and the Word software will give you your spell check options.
Here are just a few of the February events that you can integrate into your classroom lesson plans. Check our our newsletter for more!
- BLACK HISTORY MONTH - Take a Famous African American quiz every day of February to test your black history knowledge. Learn about 500 Famous African American mathematicians. Find resources on Harriet Tubman, the Underground Railroad, Amistad, timelines regarding African American History, and slave narratives. Visit the Libary of Congress' exhibit on the African American Odyssey.
- CHINESE NEW YEAR - Learn about the history of the Chinese New Year, Chinese culture, and customs. Find Chinese Language activities, audio, and interactives.
- AMERICAN HEART MONTH - Find health resources for grades K - 12th. Celebrate the body with our physical education resources as well.
- VALENTINE'S DAY - Explore everything Valentine's with activities, crafts, recipes, and more.
- NATIONAL WEATHERPERSON'S DAY - Discover weather and how forecasts work. Your students can become weather forecasters, understanding clouds, storms, and air masses.
- PRESIDENTS DAY - Learn about the history of our country and get to know our past presidents. We have Presidents Day lesson plans, activities, online interactives and more. There are also special sections featuring George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
- GROUNDHOG DAY - Have fun with this silly day, tracking the groundhogs and predicting the weather from state to state. We even have a fun game on how to like a Groundhog.
- Assessment Testing - Start preparing your students now. We have Assessment Practice Tests and test help for all grade levels.
- Middle School Vocabulary Help - Why wait until senior year to get your students ready for their ACT and SATs? You can start now with our online vocabulary quizzes. It's free and provides you with reports and scores. Get your middle schoolers to start learning their vocabulary words now!
- Elapsed Time Resources - I4C has a whole page dedicated to Elapsed Time, including lessons on distance, how many hours and minutes have passed on clocks, train problems and more. There are online elapsed time quizzes as well as a ton of elapsed time worksheets that you can print out.
- Understanding By Design - We've broken down UdB into 4 categories. Click on any of them for resources and online tools. Classroom planning, instructional theory, meta-link sites, and sample lesson plans.
- Visit Teacher tools for all of your classroom needs.
- Go to our grade level help for lesson plans, activities, instructionals, and tools organized by grade and subject.
- Math Help at home - Take advantage of these tools, including work sheets, advice and strategies for teaching math to your children, and interactives on topics like how to teach multiplication.
- Middle School Vocabulary Practice - Your children can practice their vocabulary at home with these online quizzes. Sign up as their mentor and receive weekly reports on their progress.
- Subject help by topic - Find online help on your child's subjects, from Language Arts to Math, you can search by grade level for what you need.
- Celebrate the Chinese New Year - Exercise the mind at home and practice another language. We have a page dedicated to the Chinese Language where you can learn calligraphy or hear the pronunciations of Chinese words and phrases.
- Parent Zone - A comprehensive list of everything school related, including homework help, reading help, all subject areas, and educational games.
- Online Word Tutorials - Find an online Word tutorial by your version of the software. There are Word tips, tutorials, shortcut advice, and help tools.
- Learn how to Right Click on a MAC - There are 2 easy ways to have the right click option on a Mac. Click for Mac tips.
- Spell check Shortcut in Word - Did you know if you right click on the word in question while in a Microsoft Word doc, you get a quick spell check window with all of your options?
We also have other basic instruction in Microsoft Office, including Word 2007, Excel 2007, Powerpoint 2007.
- Resources for Educators - In this section you can find classroom resources for Exceptional Children, Smartboards, Character Education, Web 2.0 Resources and other topics.
- Resources for Parents - Parents can find resources
on assisting their children with homework, time management, Internet Safety, subject area resources, grade level resources and more.

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