January 2011 Picks
Sign Up Here for ACT Test & SAT Test Preparation!
Free Online Practice for ACT Tests and SAT Tests! I4C now offers free SAT and ACT vocabulary quizzes. Become a free member and log in as much as you'd like. Students can take practice tests on 5000 vocabulary words. Log in to monitor your students' scores - including seeing which vocabulary words they missed. Interactive quizzes allow the test taker to retake and study as much as they want.
Need Martin Luther King Junior resources? Click to find Martin Luther King Day lesson plans, activities, online games, and more. This month we're also celebrating Science and Electricity with National Static Electricity Month. It's Benjamin Franklin's birthday. Reinforce language arts with National Thesaurus Day and Handwriting Day. Plus a ton of teacher math resources for Measure Your Feet Day.
Our January blog is posted. We're talking about plagiarism, the new trend in ordering papers online, and software to catch plagiarized papers.
Check out both teacher resources and parent resources. January features Martin Luther King lesson plans. Keep up with the technology trends and learn all about interactive Smart Boards and Whiteboards. We have Smart Board tutorials and a lot of different Whiteboard lesson plans. Kids can enjoy learning geography with these interactive maps. Also featured are Exceptional Children resources, disciplining tips for Parents, and a college planning guide. If you would like to suggest a topic for February 2011, be sure to email us.
Here are just a few of the January events that you can integrate into your classroom lesson plans. Check our our newsletter for more!
- MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY - Celebrate using Martin Luther King Jr. Day lesson plans, activities, and online quizzes. We have the transcript to the "I Have a Dream" speech and interactive timelines of MLK Jr.'s life.
- NATIONAL STATIC ELECTRICITY DAY - Use Electricity Day to focus on Science this month. Here are some elementary science lesson plans and a great list of science fair projects. Take advantage of these science resources for grades K- 7th.
- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN'S BIRTHDAY - Explore Benjamin Franklin and his life. Learn how Ben Franklin used his newspaper to promote science. Get reading comprehension practice with Mr. Nussbaum's passage on Benjamin Franklin.
- NATIONAL THESAURUS DAY - Embrace language arts. I4C has 3rd grade research resources, including teaching how to use references. Practice vocabulary skills using these online thesaurus web games on synonyms.
- NATIONAL HANDWRITING DAY - Kindergarteners and 1st graders can improve their handwriting skills with these handwriting worksheets and tracing sheets. Learn how to form legible upper and lower case letters.
- MEASURE YOUR FEET DAY - A great opportunity to practice math skills. Find geometry and measurement skill builder activites. Click for a large variety of printable math worksheets. We have interactive online measurement games for grades 3-5 and online measurement games for grades 6-8. Here are links to tons of math resources for every grade on almost every topic:
kindergarten math
1st grade math
2nd grade math
3rd grade math
4th grade math
5th grade math
6th grade math
7th grade math
8th grade math
- Martin Luther King Day - Internet4Classrooms has resources on Martin Luther King Jr. Day lesson plans, activities, and online quizzes.
- Learn how to use Smart Boards and Whiteboards with these interactive guides, games, and Whiteboard lesson plans. Also included are Whiteboard and Smart Board tutorials.
- Kids can enjoy learning their geography with these Interactive maps and online geography games.
- Exceptional Children's Resources - Classroom resources on Autism, ADHD, special education, assistive technology, and gifted students.
- Keep your students inspired with a quote a day resources on almost any topic and subject.
- Visit Teacher tools for all of your classroom needs.
- Go to our grade level help for lesson plans, activities, instructionals, and tools organized by grade and subject.
- Find Special Education resources for at home help, identifying classroom struggles, and online support.
- There are parent resources for children that have ADHD, Autism, and Dyslexia.
- Get disciplining help so your children can stay encouraged and motivated all school year long. Learn positive reinforcement techniques.
- Learn how to plan for college: from funding your college tuition, to choosing the right school, to creating a college plan early, we've got resources for that.
- Escape the chicken nugget rut with these healthy food habits, like calorie counter, food tips, pyramid information, breakfast and lunch ideas, and more.
- Parent Zone - A comprehensive list of everything school related, including homework help, reading help, all subject areas, and educational games.
- Interactive Online Games for Excel Workbooks - Download online games in Excel workbooks, such as Billy Bear, Jeopary templates, and more.
- Self-Paced Online Learning Modules - Online tutorials and resources for learning entry level computer skills.
- Smart board and Whiteboard training tutorials - Learn how to use Smart Boards and Whitboards in your classoom. We have training tools as well as lesson plans and interactive games. Find Promethean Board Training as well.
We also have other basic instruction in Microsoft Office, including Word 2007, Excel 2007, Powerpoint 2007.
- Resources for Educators - In this section you can find classroom resources for Exceptional Children, Smartboards, Character Education, Web 2.0 Resources and other topics.
- Resources for Parents - Parents can find resources
on assisting their children with homework, time management, Internet Safety, subject area resources, grade level resources and more.

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