Internet4Classrooms offers printables, covering Kindergarten to Sixth Grade Mathematics. Look for a rapidly growing variety of thousands of practice worksheets tied to the Common Core State Standards, School Subjects, Activities, and Holidays.
Check out our Common Core Printables! More grades and subjects coming soon!
Common Core State Standards at I4C
Our Common Core State Standards are full of resources for every individual standard. Students can take control of their own learning by clicking on the page with the standard number, and choosing their own resource to practice that skill.
Check out our Common Core Math High School Algebra Standards, Common Core Math Standards, and Common Core ELA Standards.
SAT and ACT Test Preparation
Free Online Practice Resources for ACT Tests and SAT Tests! I4C now offers free SAT and ACT vocabulary and math quizzes. Join our SAT and ACT Test Preparation program and log in as much as you'd like. Students can take practice tests on 5000 vocabulary words or over 1000 math problems. Parents and Mentors can log in to monitor your scores - including seeing which vocabulary words they missed. Interactive quizzes allow the test taker to retake and study as much as they want.
Sign Up Here for ACT Test & SAT Test Preparation!
March Blog: How to Make Family Mealtime More Meaningful
March Blog: How to Make Family Mealtime More Meaningful La Petite Academy shares tips on how turn your family's mealtime into family bonding time.
App of the Month
Every month we are going to feature a different, and hopefully FREE, iPad/iPod/iPhone educational application. Visit our ever-changing app page.
The App of the Month for March is TapQuiz Maps World Edition. Learn all of the countries of the World, U.S. states, and Canadian Provinces through three modes: Question and Answer, Tap and Type, and Discovery. You can also keep track of your progress through a statistics page to see where you can improve.
Requires iOS 4.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
March 2014 Picks
Teacher Resources | Parent Resources | Technology Tips
This March brings us the first day of Spring, St. Patrick's Day, Pi Day, and much more! Visit our monthly newsletter to see all the details. Below are just a few highlights.
Here are some of the February events that you can celebrate this month:
- Music in Our Schools Month - Celebrate and enjoy music in your classroom this month. Make your own instruments, play with virtual instruments, and learn about different genres of music with on our Music Resources page. We also have Music and Dance resources for Kindergarten and Pre-K aged children.
- National Nutrition Month - Eating healthy nutritious meals is a very important part of living a healthy lifestyle. Teach children the importance of nutrition this month! The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has educational resources and interactive games and quizzes to help kids learn about nutrition! Also check out I4C's Nutrition Page for more resources to help children learn about healthy diets.
- Dr. Seuss' Birthday (3/2/1904) - Did you know Dr. Seuss' real name was Theodore Seuss Geisel? Learn about his life. Find activities for all of Dr. Seuss' books. Here are some Dr. Seuss themed great printables and resources. Also check out our Online Stories page for more classroom reading resources.
- Daylight Savings Time (3/9) - Remember to set your clocks an hour ahead today. Learn about the history of Daylight Savings Time and why we "spring forward" an hour today. Work on time telling skills with these resources for First, Second, and Third Grade.
- Pi Day (3/14) - Happy Pi Day! Learn about the history of Pi. Apply Pi in your math lesson today. Check out these ways these teachers have celebrated Pi Day in their classroom. Learn about Pi through this "irrational" webquest. For high schoolers, try the Pi Day Challenge, a series of logic based puzzles all about Pi.
- St. Patrick's Day (3/17) - Celebrate St. Patrick's Day in your classroom with I4C! We have St. Patrick's Day history, games, crafts, and activities on our St. Patrick's Day resource page.
- First Day of Spring (3/20) - Today, learn about what causes the change of seasons. Also check out these spring themed worksheets and activities and crafts you can use in your classroom.
- World Poetry Day (3/21)- Celebrate World Poetry Day with your students today! I4C has multiple Poetry resources that you can use in your classroom: Elementary Poetry, Middle/High School Poetry, Poetic Overviews and Poetic Devices, Poetic Terms, Analyzing Poetry, and Rhyme and Rhythm, including Lower School Rhyming.
- Vincent Van Gogh's Birthday (3/30/1853) - Did you know that painter Vincent Van Gogh only sold one painting during his lifetime? Today, learn about Van Gogh's life and his artwork. Explore Van Gogh's Starry Night on the Google Cultural Institute as well as some of his other paintings. Here are some great Van Gogh lesson plans and classroom activities. Here is a site all about Van Gogh and his work. I4C also has art resources and lesson plans you can use in your classroom.
- Looking for reading resources? I4C has them! We have a collection of stories for elementary students, library resources, information on physical and virtual libraries, grade level help with reading and literature, and reading assessment practice.
- Teach your students the importance of nutrition! The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has educational resources and interactive games and quizzes to help kids learn about nutrition! Also check out I4C's Nutrition Page for more resources to help children learn about healthy diets.
- March 14th is Pi Day! Apply Pi in your math lesson today. Check out these ways these teachers have celebrated Pi Day in their classroom and have your students learn about Pi through this "irrational" webquest. Your students can also work on their math skills with our Grade Level Skill Builders and our free Common Core Math Printables for Kindergarten to Sixth Grade.
- I4C has tons of poetry resources for your classroom needs. We have resources covering Elementary Poetry, Middle/High School Poetry, Poetic Overviews and Poetic Devices, Poetic Terms, Analyzing Poetry, and Rhyme and Rhythm, including Lower School Rhyming.
- Visit Teacher tools for all of your classroom needs.
- Go to our grade level help for lesson plans, activities, instructionals, and tools organized by grade and subject.
- Did you know that family meals together can have a beneficial impact on a child's grades, eating habits, and behavior? Teach healthy eating habits during family meals with these tips. I4C's also has a nutrition page for more resources about healthy diets. Make sure to check out our March blog for tips on how to make family mealtime more meaningful.
- Did you know that March is National Craft Month? Check out these Spring themed crafts you can do with your child this month. Internet4Classrooms also has Arts and Crafts Resources for Pre-K and Kindergarten aged children.
- Read with your child this month! Here are some great reading resources just for parents. Check out our Elementary School Stories page and prep for upcoming assessments with our Reading Comprehension Practice resources.
- March is Music in Our Schools Month. Enhance your child's music education with Internet4Classrooms. Make your own instruments, play with virtual instruments, and learn about different genres of music with your child on our Music Resources page. We also have Music and Dance resources for Kindergarten and Pre-K aged children.
- You can always visit our Parent Resources page to get grade level practice sites, find online sources, and information pertaining to homework, special needs, reading help, and more.
- Don't forget our Technology Tutorial section in case you need refresher courses in your computer skills.
- Put Screenshots into Word - Did you know you can take a screenshot and input it into Microsoft Word? Check out this great tutorial to find out more.
- Reopen a Closed Tab - Accidentally closed a tab in your internet browser? Press CTRL+SHIFT+T to reopen it! Find more keyboard shortcuts for browsers here.
- Rename a File Quickly - Right-clicking and selecting Rename is not very efficient, especially if you are working with multiple files. Instead, simply press F2 while a file is selected to change its name. Find more computer tips here.
We also have other basic instruction in Microsoft Office, including Word 2007, Excel 2007, Powerpoint 2007.
- Resources for Educators - In this section you can find classroom resources for Exceptional Children, Smartboards, Character Education, Web 2.0 Resources and other topics.
- Resources for Parents - Parents can find resources
on assisting their children with homework, time management, Internet Safety, subject area resources, grade level resources and more.

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