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November Features from Internet 4 Classrooms

November Features from Internet 4 Classrooms

November Blog | App of The Month | What's Happening |
New- Online Practice | New- Printables | New- Answer Keys |
Teacher Resources | Parent Resources | Technology Tips |
Other Areas of Interest | Common Core |
SAT and ACT Test Preparation

November brings Native American Heritage Month, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and much more. Visit our monthly newsletter to see all the details.

November Blog: Ways to Aid Short Attention Spans Linked to ADHD

Ways to Aid Short Attention Spans Linked to ADHD

This month's blog is Ways to Aid Short Attention Spans Linked to ADHD.

Some students with ADHD have problems with an attention span that affect the learning process. Poor academic performance may be one of the outcomes of this situation. There are things that parents and teachers can try to help children who exhibit this behavior.

It is suggested that both teachers and parents learn how to help students overcome the challenges of concentrating. In this blog, we discuss simple tricks and techniques useful for educators and parents in working with children who have been diagnosed with ADHD.

Guest Blogger Kevin Taylor, author of the article, is a teacher with 10 years of expertise. For the last 4 years, the author applied various techniques to help the students overcome the problem of short attention span.

App of the Month

Every month we are going to feature a different, and hopefully FREE, iPad/iPod/iPhone/Android educational application. Visit our ever-changing app page.

The App of the Month for November is Mazaam - The Musical Genius by Mazaam Interactive Inc. ( iOS and Android ).

Mazaam - The Musical Genius is an edutainment app that uses classical music as an educational tool and contributes to the global development of children ages 4 to 6. Mazaam immerses children in a world populated by funny animals. The challenge? Reunite sea lion families, feed eagles or help boisterous squirrels get to bed... While listening to classical music!


  • 5 MUSICAL CONCEPTS (Pitch, Tempo, Intensity, Timbre and Harmony)

  • 15 educational games : 15-30 minute playtime per game

  • 140+ high quality classical music recordings

  • No advertising and uncontrolled purchases

  • Tested by children and approved by parents and teachers

  • No Internet connection required

While playing, children visit five playful worlds and discover masterpieces of classical music. They improve musical, cognitive and social skills while exploring the fundamentals of music: pitch, tempo, intensity, timbre and harmony.


  1. World of Squirrels (Pitch)

    Music involves low-pitched and high-pitched sounds that create melodies. The child is introduced to the pitch of sounds, accompanied by squirrels bursting with energy!

  2. World of Chameleons (Tempo)

    The tempo sets the rhythm of a musical movement. Children must differentiate between slow and fast musical excerpts. By playing with chameleons, they learn to distinguish tempo.

  3. World of Lynx (Intensity)

    Children have fun discovering the different degrees of intensity of sounds: soft or loud. As the lynx know, the contrast between these different intensities forms musical nuances.

  4. World of Eagles (Timbre)

    Timbre is the "colour" of sound, the way each sound is produced. For example, it lets us distinguish a flute from a violin. Hungry eagles help children become familiar with wind instruments and string instruments.

  5. World of Sea Lions (Harmony)

    Musical harmony contains different elements, including consonance and dissonance. Children learn to distinguish between more harmonious or more discordant excerpts with the help of likeable sea lions.


  • Best Music app for kids 2020- Educational App Store

  • Best Learning Apps for Kids 2020, PARENTS Magazine

  • Parent and Teacher Choice Award 2020

  • Children's Technology Review, Rating of 86%


Its scientific approach pedagogical method are based on several years of research led by the Canada Research Chair in Music and Learning.

Mazaam offers an intuitive and progressive framework. Visual clues provide guidance at the beginning of each game, then gradually disappear to solicit the child's auditory attention more and more. Very quickly, the child becomes capable of distinguishing, associating and identifying musical elements.

In the Mazaam app, children develop both cognitive abilities and musical knowledge, while having fun!


In Mazaam, the adult-child relationship plays a prominent role...

  • Follow the child's progress in the Parent or Teacher Zone

  • Play with the child and share his or her experience in Duet mode, which puts you in the picture in augmented reality

For questions or comments:

Learn more about Mazaam and the Mazaam Academy for teachers and educators on our website www.mazaam.com/en

Mazaam - The Musical Genius is available for Apple and Android devices.

Compatibility: Requires iOS 10.3 or later on Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch and Android version 7.0 and up on your Android device.


Here are some of the November events that you can celebrate or make note of this month:

  1. National Aviation Month

    Celebrate aviation this month in your classroom! Learn about the history of aviation, famous firsts in aviation, and visit the Aviation History Online Museum. Check out lesson plans and resource guides from the National Museum of the US Air Force and some fun airplane crafts!

  2. Native American Heritage Month

    Celebrate the significant contributions Native Americans have made to the United States this month! Find lesson plans, classroom activities, and other teacher resources from the Smithsonian Institute, the Library of Congress, and the National Education Association.

  3. Child Safety and Protection Month

    It's always important to keep the safety of children in mind! Safe Kids Worldwide has a variety of tips for different risks for various ages. Learn about food safety with lesson plans, activites, and other resources. I4C also has resources and activities on our safety page for Kindergartners, fire safety page, internet safety page, and personal safety page.

  4. National Author's Day (11/1)

    Celebrate and learn about children's authors. Your students can be authors today too! Learn about author's purpose with worksheets and interactive websites. Find story writing resources and check out our elementary writing resources. We also have Essay Writing: Narrative, Persuasive, and Expository lessons, interactives, and prompts.

  5. Election Day (11/2)

    We want to recognize the value of being able to vote in the U.S. Here are some great sites that explain the election process - including how someone gets elected to become the president, what it means to register to vote, and the campaigning process. Visit our I4C site to get information on past presidents, explore presidential libraries, and even view historic campaign commercials.

  6. Daylight Savings Fall Back (11/7)

    Did you remember to set your clocks back an hour today? Learn about why we set our clocks back and other interesting facts about Daylight Savings Time.

  7. Young Readers Day (11/9)

    Promote the importance of reading! I4C has a collection of stories for elementary students, library resources, information on physical and virtual libraries, grade level help with reading and literature, and reading assessment practice.

  8. Veterans Day (11/11)

    Honor our veterans today! Learn about Veterans Day, find Veterans Day themed activities and projects, and send a thank you letter to our troops on I4C's Veterans Day page.

  9. Gettysburg Address (11/19)

    Read President Lincoln's speech, test your knowledge on the Gettysburg Address, learn more about the Battle of Gettysburg, and find Civil War activities, printables, and interactive maps here.

  10. Thanksgiving (11/25)

    What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? Find fun crafts, the history of the holiday, and Thanksgiving themed activities on I4C's Thanksgiving page.


Internet4Classrooms now offers Online Practice and Interactives, covering Kindergarten to Eighth Grade Common Core Mathematics. Look for a rapidly growing variety of thousands of practice quizzes tied to the Common Core State Standards, School Subjects, Activities, and Holidays.

Check out our Online Practice Quizzes. More grades and subjects coming soon.

New Online Practice Quizzes Made Available in November

We have released many new online quizzes during the last months supporting the Common Core Standards.

Try them out, and then use them with your students as:

  • Bell Ringers,
  • In Class Assignments,
  • Homework or
  • Extra Credit.

Here is a list of the newest quizzes by grade.


Internet4Classrooms offers Printables, covering Kindergarten to Sixth Grade Mathematics. Look for a rapidly growing variety of thousands of practice worksheets tied to the Common Core State Standards, School Subjects, Activities, and Holidays.

Check out our Common Core Printables. More grades and subjects coming soon.

New Printables Worksheets Made Available in November

We have released thousands of new printables worksheets during the last months supporting the Common Core Standards.

Try them out, and then use them with your students as:

  • Bell Ringers,
  • In Class Assignments,
  • Homework or
  • Extra Credit.

Here is a list of the newest worksheet sets by grade.

    New- Answer Keys

      New Worksheet Answer Keys Made Available in November

      We have released thousands of new answer keys for our printables worksheets during the last months supporting the Common Core Standards.

      Remember that you can sign up for answer key access here: https://i4c.xyz/n89msyv.

      Here is a list of the newest answer key sets by grade.


      1. Many historical events happened this month which you can cover in your classroom. Check outI4C's History page for lesson plans, videos, activities, and other resources to supplement your lessons!

      2. November is Child Safety and Protection Month! Teach your students about food safety, fire safety, and internet safety. Safe Kids Worldwide has a variety of tips for different risks for various ages. I4C also has resources for personal safety and safety for Kindergartners.

      3. This Veterans Day, have your students write letters to troops! Find more information on our Veterans Day resource page.

      4. Gobble Gobble! Find Thanksgiving resources to use in your classroom on I4C's Thanksgiving page!

      5. Help your students with their critical thinking skills! Read about critical thinking in education and find out about the issues surrounding it. Teach critical thinking to English language learners with these helpful activities. Math teachers, help your students' critical thinking skills by analyzing charts and graphs. Use worksheets to analyze bar graphs. Get parents to help too! Share these tips with parents to enhance your students' critical thinking skills.

      6. SAT and ACT season is underway! Make sure your students are prepared for the college entrance exams with I4C's free SAT and ACT Test preparation!

      7. Be sure to check out I4C's collection of free educational iPhone and iPad apps.

      8. Remember to visit our Teacher Tools section. This home page contains all the topics you need to use during the school year.

      9. Go to our grade level help for lesson plans, activities, instructionals, and tools organized by grade and subject.


      1. Homework is increasingly done on computers these days. Have your kids practice their Mouse skills at home with these creative online practice games and quizzes.

      2. Help your kids get over their test-taking nerves with these Assessment Test practice quizzes and methods.

      3. Need quick access to subject help by grade? This is the place to go when you are searching for school topics.

      4. Are you looking for ways to reinforce good behavior? Are you finding the attitude is growing with age? Check out our discipline help and discipline techniques page.

      5. November is Child Safety and Protection Month! Teach your kids about food safety, fire safety, and internet safety. Safe Kids Worldwide has a variety of tips for different risks for various ages. I4C also has resources for personal safety and safety for Kindergartners.

      6. Check out our Thanksgiving page for crafts, activities, and other great Thanksgiving resources! Visit our Holiday page to find resources for celebrations that are coming up, like Hanukkah and Christmas.

      7. Enhance your child's critical thinking skills! The Duke TIP program has tips for parents wanting to develop the critical thinking skills of their child.

      8. Be sure to check out I4C's collection of free educational iPhone and iPad apps for you and your child.

      9. You can always visit our Parent Resources page to get grade level practice sites, find online sources, and information pertaining to homework, special needs, reading help, and more.

      10. Don't forget our Technology Tutorial section in case you need refresher courses in your computer skills.


      1. How to Engage Students Utilizing Music Education Tools & Technology:
        Music teachers are increasingly using technology when developing new strategies for engaging students. Where we once thought of acoustic instruments, pencil, and paper as primary learning tools, it is now possible to involve students in creative music learning using technologies.

        Learn more in the article found: HERE

      2. 6 Examples of Using Technology in The Music Classroom:
        Many teachers went to school at a time when technology was nowhere near as advanced as it is now. We watched as our teachers wrote on blackboards, and then whiteboards. Now we teach with interactive whiteboards. As school pupils in the pre-digital era, we were used to our teacher'’s piano accompaniment. Now there are backing tracks, minus one accompaniments and digital music notation available at the touch of a screen. Music teaching has changed and we must embrace technology to be successful. We cannot ignore tech in the classroom. Music and technology work very well together and are combined in many industries.

        Learn more by visiting: HERE.

      3. 5 Must-Try Music Tools for Educators Teaching Any Subject:
        In this podcast episode, you'll learn from music educator Jessica Peresta about the very best music tools for educators. You'll hear about cross-curricular connections, how to work with your current technology set up, and how listening skills and movement play a role.

        You can find out more: HERE.

      We also have other basic instruction in Microsoft Office, including Word 2007, Excel 2007, Powerpoint 2007.


      1. Resources for Educators - In this section you can find classroom resources for Exceptional Children, Smartboards, Character Education, Web 2.0 Resources and other topics.
      2. Resources for Parents - Parents can find resources
        on assisting their children with homework, time management, Internet Safety, subject area resources, grade level resources and more.

      Common Core State Standards at I4C

      Our Common Core State Standards are full of resources for every individual standard. Students can take control of their own learning by clicking on the page with the standard number, and choosing their own resource to practice that skill.

      Check out our Common Core Math High School Algebra Standards, Common Core Math Standards, and Common Core ELA Standards.

      SAT and ACT Test Preparation

      Free Online Practice Resources for ACT Tests and SAT Tests. I4C now offers free SAT and ACT vocabulary and math quizzes. Join our SAT and ACT Test Preparation program and log in as much as you'd like. Students can take practice tests on 5000 vocabulary words or over 1000 math problems. Parents and Mentors can log in to monitor your scores - including seeing which vocabulary words that were missed. Interactive quizzes allow the test taker to retake and study as much as they want.

      Sign Up Here for ACT Test & SAT Test Preparation.



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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