Alphabet Resources
Links verified 2/27/2018
For more Language Arts practice, visit our main Kindergarten Skillbuilders section.
- Alphabet Goop - Stir the goop and then match what comes out to one of two letters.
- ABC Gulp - Cute Frog game requiring Shockwave. Students listen to what letter Frog wants to eat and chooses the correct letter from a group of letters.
- ABC Introduction - for Pre-school. Introduce child to the letters of the alphabet.
- ABC Ordering - Very good activity that asks what letter comes next with immediate feedback. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.]
- ABC Tracing Pages - These pages allow children to trace the letters to help with the learning process.
- Alphabet Bang -Hit a key on the keyboard and hear the letter names (great for preschool).
- Alphabet Bears - Alphabetize the bears.
- Alphabet Countdown - Click on the letters of the alphabet in order in 30 sections!
- Alphabet Match Game - Three games to test child's ability to match capital to lower case letters.
- Alphabet Match - Match capital to small letter. Find the Mommy (or Daddy) Kangaroo for each joey.
- Alphabet Order - Click on the letters in ABC order to correctly stack books.
- Alphabet Tracing Sheets - D'Nealian or Zaner-Bloser styles. Trace letter and color picture. Multiple choices of pictures to choose from for each letter. ( registration required, but it is free )
- Alphabuddies - Groups of crafts designed to help teach children their ABC's.
- Animal Printouts to color and to learn about the animal. Everything from Aardvark to Aye-Aye and that's just the A's. There are hundreds of printouts here. This site also has instructions for using your computer to color. Copy a printout (they have instructions for doing that) and paste it into a painting program (like Paint) and color the animal there.
- Bear Wear - Help Bear get dressed by listening to the letter sound and selecting the shirt that matches the sound.
- Building Blocks to Reading - Activities from A (apple stamping) to Z (zig zag art).
- Create a Reader - Site designed for pre-school and KK students; letters, sounds, numbers, worksheet pages for individual letters, telling time, rhyming, homophones, and more.
- Dictionary - Little Explorers Picture Dictionary with links. Some of the links are pages to color, every entry has a link to a definition. The site also has a link to classroom activities that use Little Explorers.
- English Alphabet - names the letters of the alphabet first, then shows how to write it and a picture to represent the sound.. (This is a British site, beware of the pronunciation of the Z; they pronounce it Zed.)
- Free Alphabet Worksheets - Alphabet worksheets, many styles to select from.
- KidzClub - Go to the Alphabet area to find several printable activities.
- Letter Cards - Free download, 4 different sizes for all sorts of games!
- Letter formation guide for teachers and parents - This sheet shows how to form individual letters correctly.
- Tracing Paper - Type your child's name or any word. The program automatically opens a new window and then fills the page of the name or words to be printed and traced!
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