Language Arts
Links verified 7/26/2017
Analogies | Teachers | Professional Resources
- American Literary Classics - Links to 35 complete novels (each chapter linked separately).
- Bibliographic Style
- Bib Me - The fully automatic bibliography maker that auto-fills.
- Citation Machine - an interactive Web tool designed to assist teachers in modeling the proper use of information property (Students are welcome to use this as well)
- Citation Formats - MLA, APA, ASA
- Citantiosy*
- Citing Sources- Guide to Library Research - Documentation Guidelines: Citing Sources Within Your Paper
- The Complete Guide to MLA Format & Citations - information regarding three citation styles: APA, MLA, and Chicago
- Easy Bib - free automatic bibliography composer
- Electronic Style (MLA) - This page will help you correctly list your electronic sources in MLA style
- Otto Bib - put in the ISBN of your book and it will create your bib information!
- Using American Psychological Association (APA) Format from the Online Writing Laboratory (OWL) at Purdue.
- Using Modern Language Association (MLA) Format from the Online Writing Laboratory (OWL) at Purdue.
- Brain Food - Puzzles For the Brain To Gnaw On. Have a few spare minutes? Try these mind stretchers to come up with words that fit the word box puzzles.
- Children's Reading Room - online stories
- Comic Creator - Read.Write.Think site. Simple interface. Not a lot of room for creative changes.
- Comic Strips - Make up your own comics, using characters, emotions, and more.
- Comic Strips - Create your own comics and your own characters also!
- Daily Commix Diary - Get students writing and creating their own daily comic strips.
- Digital Storytelling
- Digital Storytelling Examples
- Digital Storytelling - Understand the concept [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Digital Storytelling - Educational usage
- The Projects of KQED's Digital Story Initiative - Winning projects from Kodak's many contests. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- EDSITEment is a joint project of the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Council of the Great City Schools, MCI World Com, and the National Trust for the Humanities. Edsitement brings together the best of the humanities on the web. Check here for lesson plans and links to other humanities web sites.
- Fairy Tales - Click on the numbers at the bottom of the page for different fairy tales. Site includes game to complete after reading the stories. Coloring pages are also available in the Download section.
- Grammar Exercises online - numerous online quizzes
- Guide to Grammar and Writing - Maintained in the memory of Professor of English Charles Darling for English courses at Capital Community College and for the general online public, this site includes quizzes for high school students in all areas of English grammar.
- How to Find Free Music for Videos - If you’re embarking on a video project, perhaps an explainer video, Podcasts, school project or video presentation, using the right production music can be the key to successfully drawing your viewers in; but finding the perfect song can seem a daunting task. Use the resources on this page to help
- Literacy, Information and Technology in Education
- Literacy Web (from the University of Connecticut) - classroom literacy resources for pre-school through adult education
- Literature Learning Ladders - a site designed to encourage active reading
- Literature Library from Glencoe - alphabetical index to study guides (in .pdf format) to a large number of full-length novels and plays
- Novels; Children's Literature - classified by author
- Novel Guides - from Class zone; activities and suggestions for novels.
- Novel Guide-Novel Analysis - literary analysis on the web; an educational supplement for better understanding of classic and contemporary Literature Profiles, Metaphor Analysis, Theme Analyses, and Author Biographies.
- Novels - Teaching Guides - from Harper children; Includes "general discussion questions and suggestions for reaching across the curriculum: math, science, language arts, music, and social studies."
- Novel Units Online - Novel Guides and Units
- Online Story Clips - download these audio stories for your class listening time! [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- OwlEyes - Free etexts and annotations of novels and poetry, fiction and non-fiction, Shakespeare and drama and more. Common Core aligned. Free classroom management tools to track progress and annotate with students. Video introduction can be found here.
- Power Proofreading from Houghton Mifflin - Help! The power has gone out at HME-TV, and proofreaders are needed to fix TV scripts, memos and other writing at the station.
- Spark Notes Study Guides - literature, Shakespeare, drama, poetry, and writing
- Fact Monster Analogy of the Day
- Analogy Quiz which requires students to type the word to complete the analogy
- Analogy Lesson from Diana Dell
- Analogy quiz 1 at Quia posted by Diana Dell
- Analogy quiz 2 at Quia posted by Diana Dell
- Discovery School Analogy Quizzes
- has a quiz with 152 analogies - pick one or two a day and practice this valuable skill
For Teachers
Reading Assessment Test
- Channel Reading Test - Get a reading age for your student. (this Tripod site may be blocked by some school filters)
- Reading Competency Test - The National Right to Read Foundation's Reading Competency Test
Professional Resources
- The Compact for Reading Guide is a user-friendly handbook designed to walk your family-school compact team through the steps of building and implementing a Compact for Reading. It provides information, strategies, examples, and checklists to help parents, educators, and community members develop effective, workable compacts that can improve your school, increase family involvement, and increase student skills and achievement in reading.
- Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young Children - Read online for free. The focus of this report is prevention. The report sketches a picture of the conditions under which reading is most likely to develop easily - conditions that include stimulating preschool environments, excellent reading instruction, and the absence of any of a wide array of risk factors.
- Starting Out Right (A guide for promoting children's reading success) - Read online for free. Parents want to provide their preschool children with a good start in literacy. A school district tells its teachers to change the way they teach reading. Preschool caregivers want to be sure that the children they care for are ready for school. A mother attending a school meeting hears confusing messages about the best way to teach beginning reading. A corporate executive wants the company to support an after-school tutoring program, but is not sure where to start. This book is for all these people. It is written particularly for parents and others who can influence the education and development of young children, especially policy makers, caregivers, and teachers.
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