Language Arts - Writing Middle/High
Links verified 12/6/2019
Analogies | Lesson Plans
- The Book of Magic Potions - Create your own potions after getting ideas and suggestions from this book!
- By Grade Level - The Writing Source - Grades 4-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12.
- Comic Strip - Create your own comic strip!
- Compare and Contrast - Select two works of art from a list of 26. Then click the "Begin Essay" button in the selection box that displays your selections to write your own short essay comparing the works of art. This is a display from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
- Creative Writing Worksheets - Story Starters to print.
- Essay Map - Online tool to map out informational essays.
- Essay Writing - Quick tips to review before writing your paper.
- Essay Writing - Online Persuasive Essay Tool; Thesis Builder
- An Excellent 5 Paragraph Essay: the Easiest Way to Write - the purpose of this article is to show you precisely how easy it is to write the perfect 5 paragraph essay
- Expository Essays:
- Exploratory Essays - Some things to consider when writing exploratory essays.
Food for Thought - an expository writing lesson plan for eighth grade
- Writing a "How-to" Explanation - Student model as an example
- Five Paragraph Essay - At this site, you will find the information you need to learn how to write the essay as well as some writing prompts to help you develop skill.
- 5 Paragraph Essay Generator - This essay generator is designed to help you efficiently translate your ideas into words. It isn't an automated essay generator; you need to guide the development of the structure and concepts behind the essay
- Graphic Organizers - several examples of how to use graphic organizers in brainstorming or pre-writing activities
- Graphic Organizers - a collection of resources at Internet4Classrooms
- Ideas for Writing Poetry in the Classroom
- Main Character Questionnaire - Fill this out to discover things about the main character you are creating or have read about.
- Narrative Essays :
- Multiple Paragraph Essay - pointers on writing an essay
- Narrative Essay - article on how to write a narrative essay
- Ten Narrative Writing Prompts - targeted mainly at high school teachers
- Ten Prewriting Exercises for Personal Narratives
- Student Writing Tools Handbook - [25 pages] Transitions, rubrics, grammar, citations, and more
- Template for writing a narrative - scaffolding guide for students
- Online Poetry Workshop - lessons and activities
- Paradigm-On-line Writing Assistant - This site will take you through the writing process of editing, revising, organizing and other steps.
- Paraphrase Craze - A Interactive Lesson in Expository Writing
- Persuasive writing
- Argument & Persuasive Writing Lesson plans and teaching resources - many lesson resources
- Can You Convince Me? - basic concepts of lobbying for something that is important to them (or that they want) and making persuasive arguments. Lesson plan
- Sample assignment - Invent an X-ray satellite, name it, draw a picture of it. Write a one- to two-page persuasion letter addressed to your Congressperson or essay for your local newspaper in order to obtain funding for your X-ray astronomy mission.
- Scholastic's Writing Workshop - You already spend a lot of time trying to persuade your parents or teachers to allow you to watch more TV or do less homework. Now you can use those same skills to write a persuasive essay!
- Study Guides and Strategies - persuasive writing
- Ten Persuasive Prompts : Persuasive-Descriptive
- Writing to Persuade - Persuasion means making someone with a different point of view from your own change their mind to your way of thinking.
- Pre-Reading Clock - an activity designed to help establish vocabulary readiness
- Prewriting
- Prewriting - methods and tips
- Prewriting Practices - an article by Alice L. Trupe
- Prewriting Strategies - prewriting techniques
- Prewriting Strategies - from Gallaudet University
- Six Prewriting Steps
- Principles of Composition - the writing process, structural considerations and patterns of composition
- Read Write Think - Thinkfinity site - excellent lessons, resources and student materials
- Self Evaluation Writing Rubric - Check yourself!
- Ten Creative Writing Activities - List of creative writing assignments
- Thinking Things from Snaith Primary - An interactive site with which you can create stories online. Click on the Character and Setting links at the top to write your own stories. Click on the numerous travel links to learn about history.
- Transition Words:
- Go with the Flow - Transitions
- How to Use Transition Words and Phrases in an Essay - writing and studying skills and tips
- Writing Transition words and phrases - a list of transitions
- The Ultimate Guide to Writing Styles- ideas and links to other sites posted by Maryville University
- Word Games for Writers -On those days you can't write prose or poetry, perhaps a good alternative is to play a word game
- Writing - many online lessons and activities learning the writing process. Many forms of writing are included on this page, such as expository, narrative, summary and the 6-trait writing style. Lee's Summit School District site.
- Writing Activities - Many ideas and activities (Warning: This Tripod site may be blocked by school filters)
- Writing Handouts - Many PDF files: How to Avoid Plagiarism | Writing Tips | Resumes & Cover Letters | Study & Test-taking Tips | Research Paper Guidelines | Punctuation | Documentation Style Guides | Helpful Style Guide Links
- Writing Lessons - A collection of writing lessons plans for your students' use to prepare for standardized testing.
- The Write Place Catalogue - Many references to help writers
- Writing Paragraphs - Precise instructions with definitions of each part.
- Writing Prompts
- 200+ Writing Prompts to Inspire You - writing prompts are an excellent way to maintain a regular writing routine
- Creative Writing Prompts - Use the creative writing prompts and creative writing ideas to create stories, poems and other creative pieces from your imagination.Over 200!
- Education World has 180 quotes for you, but that's also 180 writing prompts!
- Imagination Prompt Generator - Click to get a new prompt.
- Original WritingFix Prompt Generator - over 400 different prompts Sign up to have 6 Prompts from this page e-mailed to you every Sunday for your writing for the week!
- Picture Prompts - Write your own Word list, then print the page for students to write their story.
- Proverbs: Wisdom Tales Without the Plot - Have students choose a familiar proverb and develop a story that can surround and carry that thought. Multicultural proverbs offer interesting insights into the universality of wisdom.
- Writing Prompts - Get-you-started Writing Prompts - scroll near the middle of the page for a list of prompts and Word banks.
- Writing Prompts - Many ideas to start your students' minds
- Writing Prompts - Narrative, Persuasive and Expository
- Writing Prompts - for high school [list of the essay topics approved for use on the Regents' Test]
- Writing Prompts with pictures - 64 page document to print
- Writers' Digest - Idea joggers and brain starters to get your writing going. Presents you a new prompt each week
- Writing Skills - Alliteration, Personification, Similes, Onomatopoeia, Hyperbole
- Fact Monster Analogy of the Day
- Analogy Quiz which requires students to type the word to complete the analogy
- Analogy Lesson from Diana Dell
- Analogy quiz 1 at Quia posted by Diana Dell
- Analogy quiz 2 at Quia posted by Diana Dell
- Analogy quizzes - from easy to hard
- Analogy worksheets - many to choose from.
- Awesome Analogies for one or two players - posted at Quia
- Discovery School Analogy Quizzes
- has a quiz with 125 analogies - pick one or two a day and practice this valuable skill
Creative Writing Lesson Plans
- Composition Ideas - writing lesson ideas
- Lesson Ideas - 7 creative writing lessons that engage the children in writing
- TeachNet Language Arts/ Writing Ideas - writing activities for grades 1-8
Stories for Older Children
- Audio Books - Classics - Hear classical stories on-line.
- Audio Books - Librivox - LibriVox provides free audio books from the public domain.
- Page By Page Books - Many titles to select from. Hundreds of classic books you can read right now, all absolutely free!
- Walks with Red Dog - Online stories.
- The Throps and Squallhoots - Chapter book online.
- Stories by MagicKeys - Online stories for older children.
- Online Story Clips - download these audio stories for your class listening time!
- Cool4Kids - Online stories in many genres.
- Light Up your Brain - Stories online that are read aloud and students can read along with them.
- Classics for Young People - Classical books available in full-text on the Internet.
Don't see a book you are looking for? Do a search by author , or by title
- Shakespeare - The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
- Twain - Mark Twain in his times - This site provides the capability of searching for reviews or electronic texts.
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