Resources for Administrators
Technology Planning | Technology Self Assessment | Professional Organizations | Miscellaneous
"We won the grant! Now what do we do?" - A Technology Planning WebQuest for administrators. Little Creek Consolidated Schools has won a grant which will allow them to put more technology into their schools. Many groups are asking questions and they are looking to you for the answers. How will you know what's next and how to satisfy all of those people asking questions? Use this Quest to help not only Little Creek, but your school as well. Designed for use in a TASL session.
Technology Planning
Technology Planning Resources - Created and submitted by Graduate Students enrolled in the course, "Seminar in Planning for Instructional Technology" at Mississippi State University. The guidebook which they produced, Developing an Effective Instructional Technology Plan , is available for downloading as a .pdf file (Adobe Acrobat)
- Framework for Evaluation and Professional Growth Office of Accountability and Assessment - from the State of Tennessee Office of Accountability and Assessment
- Best Practices of Technology Integration in Michigan - .The lesson plans that you will find here have been written by practicing teachers and have been "kid tested" to work in the classroom.
- Assessing Technology Programs from TechTamers (not all links are live)
- Building Level Technology Plans produced by schools around the country, District Level plans are also available
- An Educator's Guide to Evaluating The Use of Technology in Schools and Classrooms - Prepared for: US Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, also available in .pdf format
- Evaluating and Updating Technology and Planning from NSBA
- Guiding Questions for Technology Planning - created by the Regional Technology in Education Consortia
- Self Assessment instruments
- Assessment Tools - from the Technology Applications Center for Educator Development in Texas
- District Technology Self-Assessment Form - From Now On (FNO) the Educational Technology Journal This technology assessment form may be duplicated and used within a school district provided $25 is paid. Any other use or duplication is prohibited without express permission.
- Learning With Technology Profile Tool - This profile tool will help you to compare your current instructional practices with a set of indicators for engaged learning and high-performance technology, a graph of your responses will be displayed on the screen.
- Sample Administrator Technology Self-Assessment Tool - The purpose of developing this sample tool is to assist superintendents, principals, and other administrators in their leadership role of implementing appropriate technology in their schools.
- Teaching with Technology Instrument - Use this site's numerous surveys to track the progress of schools and districts in integrating technology into the curriculum.
- Tech Self Assessment - Administrator technology self-assessment tool
- Technology Self Assessment Tool - seventeen page document
- Technology Self Assessment Tool - Quia site. Online assessment, but it is sent to the person that created the test. A good use of this would be to print out the test per teacher.
- Technology Skills Assessment - Excellent site that has links to all skills to help beginners learn the skill.
- Technology Information Center for Administrative Leadership - For Administrators, By Administrators
- Technology Planning for K12 Education - resources that will help school districts in their efforts to plan for the implementation and use of technology in teaching and learning activities and processes, articles concerning technology planning, links to other web sites that provide resources for educational technology planning
- Technology Planning Tools - While specific details about the planning process vary from district to district, most groups work through a similar sequence of planning stages. This section outlines those stages and provides tools and techniques to guide the process. One of the things you will find there is The Ten Commandments of Technology Planning
- Technology Plans Resources Online
- The US Department of Education's Office of Educational Technology (OET) develops national educational technology policy and implements this policy through Department-wide educational technology programs
- Articles from Tech Soup
- Developing Effective Technology Plans
- Technology Planning: Recipe for Success - ( 1994 )
- Promoting Technology: 13 Ways to Do It
- The Role of the School Business Manager in Technology Planning
Professional Organizations
- ASCD the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
- American Association of School Administrators Conferences, job bulletin, legislation, and other helpful resources.
- Council of the Great City Schools an organization of the nation's largest urban public school systems
- NAESP The National Association of Elementary School Principals.
- NASSP National Association of Secondary School Principals.
- NCTE The National Council of Teachers of English
- NCTM National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- NEA National Education Association
- NMSA National Middle School Association
- NSBA National School Board Association
- NSTA National Science Teachers Association
- Phi Delta Kappa (PDK) - Information on conferences and research, downloadable information and more.
- Tennessee Department of Education
- Center for Education Reform : Information on charter schools, school choice, standards and testing, teacher and union issues, and other school reform issues.
- ERIC - Educational Resources Information Center Clearinghouse on Education Management
- National Center for Educational Statistics a source of recently released publications
- The New Teacher's Guide to the US Department of Education
- US Department of Education Programs, publications, news and more.
- U. S. Universities organized by state

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