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Guidance Lesson Plans: Feelings & Emotions

Feelings & Emotions

Links checked on 1/2/2016

  1. Elementary
    1. Emotion Walk - Get the students thinking about moving their bodies, and about clearly understanding the ways their bodies can move, and the ways they do move in various situations.
    2. Feelings Charade - Help open up communication with and among students about their feelings.
    3. The Heart Story - Encourages students to consider the effect of "put-downs" and to think about how to express "put-ups".
    4. Listening Well - Grades 3-5 - Being able to listen to people well is an important skill that can help us prevent conflicts and solve conflicts that do happen in a way that leaves everybody satisfied.
    5. Life, Loss and Grief - Grades K-2 - Unit Plan Masters of Disaster: In the Aftermath [by the American National Red Cross]
    6. Life, Loss and Grief - Grades 3-5 - Unit Plan Masters of Disaster: In the Aftermath ; by the American National Red Cross
    7. Social Skills for Elementary School Children: Hot Frogs Activity - Activity used in groups to assist elementary school children in identifying and naming feelings.
    8. The Solution Square: Strategies for Conflict Resolution - Uses literature as a springboard for learning about conflict-resolution strategies.
  2. Middle/ High School
    1. Adolescent - Social Skills for Middle School Students - Lesson plans
    2. Brain-Based Learning and Feelings - A reading passage, a KWLH chart and an anticipation/reaction chart for questions before and after the reading.
    3. I-Messages and the Assertiveness Line - Useful in dealing with problems that come up with friends and family, people who are likely to care about our feelings.
    4. Managing Feelings - Categorize coping strategies as positive, negative, neutral and time-out behaviors.
    5. Metaphors for Expressing Feelings - Examine how feelings are described and expressed in a poem.



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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