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General Elementary Math Resources

Elementary Math Resources

Links verified on 8/29/2016

  1. AAA Math - [K-8] This site has a comprehensive set of interactive arithmetic lessons. Unlimited practice is available on each topic which allows thorough mastery of the concepts.
  2. Arithmetic - [K-6 and Intermediate] Topics in Mathematics - each topic identified as to whether the site has interactive resources
  3. CoolMath4Kids - an amusement park of math and more - especially designed for fun, fun, fun!
  4. FreeMathTest.com - test your skills against pre-made math tests or customize a math test to meet your needs Features the following areas: Counting, Place Values, Comparisons, Sequences, Addition, and Subtraction - Thanks to Art Lockrem for creating this great free site!
  5. Harcourt School Publishers - Math activities categorized by grades from K-8.
  6. HoodaMath - Games, timed tests, worksheets and more.
  7. IXL Elementary Math Index - || Pre-Kindergarten || Kindergarten || First Grade || Second Grade || Third Grade || Fourth Grade || Fifth Grade
  8. Kid Port Elementary Math Index - Kindergarten || First Grade || Second Grade || Third Grade || Fourth Grade || Fifth Grade
  9. Kid Port Middle School Math Index - Fifth Grade || Sixth Grade || Seventh Grade || Eighth Grade ||
  10. Long Division Teaching Aid - "Double Division" -"Double Division may be easier to understand than Long Division because it deals with whole numbers rather than individual digits."
  11. Math.com - all inclusive site, activities, lessons, quizzes and more
  12. Math Continuum - Numbers, Pattern/Relations, Shape/Space, Statistics/Probability - This site has an excellent glossary, be sure you take a look at it.
  13. MathDrill - Students work interactively for free from their home on Math problems organized into 76 levels of addition, subtraction, ordering, multiplication and division, dealing with numbers and fractions, decimals, percent, algebra, geometry, time, in direct as well as more analytic word problem format. Includes step-by-step explanations for answers! Teacher registration is required, but it is free.
  14. Math Glossary - (K-6) animated definitions from Harcourt Brace
  15. Math Jingles - K-6th grade songs about math.
  16. Math League Help Topics - This is a help resource for 4th through 8th grades. You will find help tutorials for the following topics: Whole numbers and their basic properties; Decimals, whole numbers, and exponents; Using data and statistics; Fractions; Geometry; Ratio and proportion; Percent and probability; Integers; Metric units and measurement; Introduction to Algebra; and Positive and negative numbers.
  17. Math Online Activities from McGraw Hill - Click on a book to select a grade - (K-6)
  18. Math Slice - Many activities in all areas of Math; online test, games are found on the right side index
  19. Roman Numeral Calculator - Whether yov're bvilding a road, designing an aqvadvct, or covnting yovr gladiators, Compvter Romanvs will make the job
  20. Roman Numeral Practice - Roman to Numeric Conversion, simple practice game. Click here for a harder version of this game.
  21. Roman Numeral Practice - Numeric Conversion to Roman, simple practice game. Click here for a harder version of this game.
  22. Vocabulary - Math vocabulary for all grades from Spelling City.



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