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Interactive Collections for Elementary


Collections of Interactive Sites

Links verified on 8/31/2016

  1. A+ Math - Created just for kids, this colorful, interactive math site is educational and fun, although some of the games do not provide feedback. Highlights include flash cards, games, and the homework helper, where students enter a problem and find out if their solution is correct. Grade Level: Elementary, Middle School
  2. AOL@school - math from A to Z for elementary students
  3. Clocks and Time - many links that provide student practice
  4. Coins - US Mint Page. Many games and activities
  5. Cool math 4 kids - This is a math site specially designed for what kids like and how they learn! Math really can be fun and really can be easy to learn
  6. Create a Graph - Sometimes, complicated information is difficult to understand and needs an illustration. At this National Center for Education Statistics site you will find four different graphs and charts for you to consider.
  7. Educational Java Applets - 10 math topics plus one biology topic [this expired page is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine]
  8. Free Math Games for Kids - a wide range of free interactive math games and activities for kids
  9. Funbrain - interactive and educational math games for kids of all ages, including Math Baseball and Change Maker. These games can be tailored in difficulty for students in K-8, and might be useful as review in 9-12.
  10. Hooda Math - Three categories of math games are available at this site; arithmetic, geometry, and logic. They also have tutorials, worksheets and movies.
  11. Interactive Fun Math Puzzle Activities - Click and drag the sticks (or numbers or puzzle pieces) to solve the puzzles. Please note that there may be more than one solution to each puzzle.
  12. Interactive Lessons for Elementary Math - activities from Project Interactivate that can be used to explore the topics covered in elementary grades 3 - 12 mathematics
  13. Interactive Math Lessons - [27 free activities] This page uses a problem-solving approach and actively engages students in the learning process.
  14. Interactive Math Lessons at the BBC - (ages 4 - 11) topics: number, data handling, shape space and measure, and mental maths
  15. Math Cats - Hey, cats! Come on in to a land of creative, open-ended math explorations! OBBL Architecture Blocks, Math Story Problems, Cat Tails and Other Activities.
  16. Math Playground Index - Math Playground is an action-packed site for elementary and middle school students. Practice your math skills, play a logic game and have some fun!
  17. A video is available through this linkMath TV: Video Word Problems - [Grades 5+] Math TV is a project whose goal is to help middle school students learn how to solve challenging word problems. Each of the nineteen math problems comes with step by step video solution, follow up problems, an online calculator, and sketch pad.
  18. Mathematical Interactivities - Many interactive activities for all ages covering several areas of mathematics!
  19. Maths Frame - This UK site provides maths software for primary schools. Their software is specifically designed for use on interactive whiteboards. Each of the free resources provides multiple levels with many activities.
  20. Math Game Time - Interactive activities for all ages covering several areas of mathematics.
  21. Mr. Nussbaum - Many activities to select from in many math concept areas. Fractions, Fact drills by individual numbers, Draggable Computations with the numbers aligned correctly, Money, Time, and more.
  22. Multiplication Games - several pages of games are available from Multiplication.com
  23. National Library of Virtual Manipulatives - links to manipulatives for Pre K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12
  24. Project Interactivate - Interactive lessons and activities for exploration in Science and Math. Project Interactivate has a large list of interactive sites for middle school mathematics or for elementary mathematics.
  25. A video is available through this linkSolve It! - Math Videos provide problem solving practice for students in grades 3 to 6. Each of the thirteen sets contain five multi step word problems with step by step video solutions. Concepts include basic operations, algebraic reasoning, money, fractions, percent, perimeter, area, proportional reasoning, and measurement.
  26. Teaching Time Tables - Flash cards and interactive activities to practice multiplication skills.
  27. Visual Fractions - an online fraction tutorial helps with the following processes: identifying fractions, renaming fractions, comparing fractions, adding fractions, subtracting fractions, multiplying fractions, and dividing fractions.

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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