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Lesson Plans: Databases of Resources

Lesson Plans Databases

Links verified on 7/30/2014

  1. 4Teachers.org database allows you to select a subject, a theme and then a specific topic.
  2. ABC Teach - Database of thematic units.
  3. About.com - Large database of lesson plans, with middle and high school focus
  4. Activity Search - from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt "Education Place".
  5. Alabama Learning Exchange - Lessons categorized by subject and grade levels.
  6. Awesome Library - various subjects included in this database of lesson plans.
  7. Curriki - Open source educational materials with a focus is on K-12 curricula materials in the areas of literacy mathematics, science, technology, language arts, and foreign languages.
  8. Discovery Education A lesson plan library for K - 12.
  9. Education World's Lesson Planning Center.
  10. Education World's Teacher Submitted Lesson Plans Collection.
  11. ForLessonPlans - Contains an online directory of free lesson plans for K-12 teachers.
  12. Fun Lesson Plans - Major sections includes Preschool, Holidays, Reading, Social Studies and Back to School.
  13. The Gateway to Educational Materials database offers the key to one-stop, any-stop access to high quality lesson plans, curriculum units and other education resources on the Internet. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  14. Learning Page - This is a huge collection of professionally produced instructional materials for you to download and print. To get all worksheets you must be a member, but registration is free. (elementary grades)
  15. Lesson Plan Search - over 2000 lessons in this database, but few on each page.
  16. Lesson Plans Page - Over 2,000 free lessons.
  17. LessonPlanz.com - a searchable directory of free online lesson plans
  18. Library of Congress Learning Place
  19. McREL Lesson Database
  20. Math Archives K-12 Teaching Materials.
  21. Math Forum Lesson Plans - Organized by topic or grade level K - 12.
  22. Microsoft - Contains a huge lesson plan library organized by grade and subject.
  23. Monthly Themes from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt "Education Place"
  24. PBS Teacher Source
  25. Preschool Themes - ideas from A to F | ideas from G to L | ideas from M to R | ideas from S to Z
  26. Primary Resources - Lesson plans, activity ideas and resources for primary and elementary school teachers.
  27. Quia Index - Quia users have created activities in the following topics. These activities have been created by Quia's subscribers and are of varying quality.
  28. Smithsonian Education - Lesson plans emphasizing inquiry-based learning using primary sources and museum collections.
  29. Teaching Online database of lessons
  30. TeachNet.com - Large database of lessons, cross-curricular emphasis.
  31. Utah Education Network - Large lesson plan database, organized by subject and grade level.
  32. WNET Database - Original lesson plans are developed by Thirteen Ed Online Master Teachers. Starting with tried-and-true lessons that work in the classroom, our Web-savvy teachers have built Web-based activities that use the rich resources of Thirteen/WNET New York and the Internet.
  33. Yahoo Directory of Lesson Plans



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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