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Classroom Management Resources

One Computer Classroom Lessons

Links verified 4/2/2020

  1. 25 Activities for the One Computer Classroom - prepared by Karen Cole
  2. Best Practices of Technology Integration in Michigan - The lesson plans that you will find here have been written by practicing teachers and have been "kid tested" to work in the classroom. 
  3. But I Don't Have a Computer Lab! - Using One Computer in the Classroom - 7 Categories of Classroom Computer Use by Donna Ashmus.
  4. High School Integration Ideas - Ideas and lessons using computers in the high school classroom.
  5. How to Thrive -- Not Just Survive -- in a One-Computer Classroom - an article published by Education World
  6. The One-Computer Classroom - Frustrated teachers ask, "What can I do with just one computer?" Let's explore the options.
  7. The One Computer Classroom: From Reward to Treasure - Here are many classroom management styles that a teacher can choose from when beginning to use the computer as a tool for instruction rather than utilizing it just for word processing or prepackaged learning games.
  8. One Computer Classroom - Ideas from Serena Roberts, a Professor of education at St. Mary College, Leavenworth, Kansas. 
  9. Strategies and Applications for the One Computer Classroom - Many ideas and suggestions.
  10. Tech Alternatives for the One Computer Classroom - Here are 10 ways you can use your one computer as an invigorating learning tool.
  11. The One Computer Classroom - Powerpoint show layout with many suggestions.
  12. The One Computer Classroom - Lots of good ideas and links.
  13. The One-Computer Survival Guide - Compiled by Kathy Schrock (kathy@kathyschrock.net) 
  14. Cooperative Learning
    1. Cooperative Learning - An overview of cooperative learning and some resources for finding online cooperative learning activities and lesson plans to try in your classroom.
    2. Cooperative Learning Activities for the Foreign Language Classroom - from Language Learning and Technology
    3. Cooperative Learning Saves the Day - "Knowledge is discovered by students and transformed into concepts students can relate to."
    4. Engaging Students Through Cooperative Learning: Ideas for Success - a 51 slide PowerPoint show



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