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Quizzes for Elementary Math

Links verified on 8/29/2016

  1. Educational Quizzes - Create your own math quizzes using one of the four basic functions or browse quizzes in five categories
  2. Everyday Math - interactive lessons and quizzes.
  3. Houghton Mifflin Test Prep Practice (a copy of their textbook would be helpful in identifying the subjects tested) Grade 1 || Grade 2 || Grade 3 || Grade 4 || Grade 5 || Grade 6
  4. Interactive Math Lessons - [27 free activities - each include short quizzes] This page uses a problem-solving approach and actively engages students in the learning process.
  5. MathDrill - Students work interactively for free from their home on Math problems organized into 76 levels of addition, subtraction, ordering, multiplication and division, dealing with numbers and fractions, decimals, percent, algebra, geometry, time, in direct as well as more analytic word problem format. Includes step-by-step explanations for answers! Teacher registration is required, but it is free.
  6. Math Millionaire Game - Questions cover a variety of topics including fractions, geometry, decimals, percentages, averages, and more. There are both word problems and computation problems.
  7. Sample Math WASL Questions - Problems presented in the web site are recommended for student use to communicate (in written form) understanding of math content.
  8. ThatQuiz - a math testing web site developed by Andrew Lyczak, a graduate student at the University of New Hampshire. The site offers free testing, grading and record keeping for teachers, with practice tests for students. This is a completely free, non-profit educational site.
  9. Web Math - Are you stuck on a math problem? Web Math would like to help you with it. They offer three options for you to try.



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