Personal Safety
Links verified on 11/19/2020
- Be Smart, Strong, & Safe - lesson plan for grades 5 & 6 [download the booklet here]
- Be Smart, Be Safe! - A Middle School Lesson Plan on safety.
- Bike Safety Tips - Learn to ride your bike safety .
- Fire Prevention - Facts and tips for families to be prepared in the event that there is a fire emergency in the home.
- Fire Safety - Songs and activities.
- Food Safety from Farm to Fork - This unit provides 5th - 7th grades a better understanding of food safety through real-life examples and enjoyable activities.
- Home Hazards - Fun interactive resource that allows kids to get a visual understanding of hazards in the house
- Personal Safety - a guide for parents
- P. I. Plug says "Be Smart about Fire and Electrical Safety" - lesson plan to teach students about electricity and the fundamentals of electrical safety
- Prevent Wildfires - Learn from Smokey Bear how wildfires start and how "You can help prevent forest fires!" This is a teacher resource guide for Grades K-5.
- Safety Smart Healthy & Fit - a lesson in health and safety for children k-2
- Safety Tips With Officer Buckle and Gloria - Help students develop awareness of themselves and their surroundings.
- Smarty Electric Safety - Coloring book to print with safety tips about electricity.
- Strangers - [K-1] Learn about stranger danger.
- Teaching Children Personal Safety - tips and strategies
- Tips for Child Safety at Home - Here are some fire safety tips for kids, as well as some seasonal tips for year round child safety at home. (provided by an ADT company)
site for teachers |
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