Secondary Guidance Resources
Links verified 1/24/2019
- Adolescent - Social Skills for Middle School Students - Lesson plans
- Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker...what will my next career be? - A WebQuest
- Career Activities and Vocational Lesson Plans - Interactive sites providing online activities and lessons plans relating to career exploration, career decision making and career guidance.
- Career Development and Guidance - Worksheets, handouts and workbooks.
- Class Activities about the Workplace - Ideas for classes and workshops about work and family issues. You will find suggestions for class exercises, case studies, talking points, PowerPoint slides, and publications recommended for further reading.
- Counseling and Guidance Lesson Plans - Lessons K-12
- Dictionary Of Occupational Titles - Complete Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) as supplied electronically by the U.S. Department of Labor.
- Entrepreneurs in the Classroom: M.Y.O.B. Spells Success - Article and curriculum.
- Mental Health Resources for Students and Educators - common mental health issues and resources for students
- My First Resume - Practice filling out this "kid-friendly resume".
- Online Career Assessment Tools - Select those that are free from a big list of assessment tools.
- Parents’ and Teachers’ Guide to High School Students’ Mental Health - tips to help teens deal with emotions
- Test of Workplace Skills - Practice three essential skills needed in all types of occupations.
- Vocational Education Lesson Plans - From Education World.
- What Will You DO With Your Life? - Webquest for exploring career possibilities and preparing for your 20 year class reunion. If you search this site using the word 'career', there are many Webquests for all grades 6 - 12.
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