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Lesson Plans: Secondary Guidance Resources

Secondary Guidance Resources

Links verified 1/24/2019

  1. Adolescent - Social Skills for Middle School Students - Lesson plans
  2. Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker...what will my next career be? - A WebQuest
  3. Career Activities and Vocational Lesson Plans - Interactive sites providing online activities and lessons plans relating to career exploration, career decision making and career guidance.
  4. Career Development and Guidance - Worksheets, handouts and workbooks.
  5. Class Activities about the Workplace - Ideas for classes and workshops about work and family issues. You will find suggestions for class exercises, case studies, talking points, PowerPoint slides, and publications recommended for further reading.
  6. Counseling and Guidance Lesson Plans - Lessons K-12
  7. Dictionary Of Occupational Titles - Complete Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) as supplied electronically by the U.S. Department of Labor.
  8. Entrepreneurs in the Classroom: M.Y.O.B. Spells Success - Article and curriculum.
  9. Mental Health Resources for Students and Educators - common mental health issues and resources for students
  10. My First Resume - Practice filling out this "kid-friendly resume".
  11. Online Career Assessment Tools - Select those that are free from a big list of assessment tools.
  12. Parents’ and Teachers’ Guide to High School Students’ Mental Health - tips to help teens deal with emotions
  13. Test of Workplace Skills - Practice three essential skills needed in all types of occupations.
  14. Vocational Education Lesson Plans - From Education World.
  15. What Will You DO With Your Life? - Webquest for exploring career possibilities and preparing for your 20 year class reunion. If you search this site using the word 'career', there are many Webquests for all grades 6 - 12.



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