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Guidance Lesson Plans: Self Esteem

Self Esteem

Links checked on 1/2/2016

  1. All About Me Cube - [ K-1 ] - Bring the family and the school together in a homework lesson.
  2. Fuzzy-Feeling Chair - Build students' self-esteem by encouraging their peers to recognize and comment on their positive traits/
  3. Group Cooperation - [ K-2 ] Supports social and emotional development, as well as providing positive guidance.
  4. How to Improve Your Self-esteem - How to Improve Your Self-Esteem – The Ultimate Guide
  5. My Memory Box - [ 1-2 ] Allows young children the opportunity to verbally express themselves while using concrete materials of their choice.
  6. Self-Esteem - [6-8] Help students identify strengths and weaknesses.
  7. Self-Esteem Activity - None of us feel extremely positive all the time and it IS acceptable to say, "I feel sad".
  8. Self-Esteem/Class Pride - Bolster student self-esteem and build class pride.
  9. Ten Activities to Improve Students' Self-Concepts - Ten simple projects to help preserve individuality and promote self-esteem!
  10. Who's In The Bag? - Express personal characteristics with items from home.



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