Sound Clips
Links verified 12/7/2017
- Animal Sound Clips - 286 sounds to download
- Animal Sounds - the SeaWorld/Busch Gardens Animal Sounds Library
- Find Sounds - Search the web for sounds.
- Free Bird Sounds from the Macaulay Library at Cornell University
- Guide to Animal Sounds on the Net - a large list of links and even a suggestion on how to search for animal sounds.
- Nature Songs - pages of links to sound clips organized into six categories
- Partners in Rhyme provides a huge database of sounds to search.
- Royalty Free Music Sites - Check out this site first; Copyright laws
- Music - all types and genres of music from Peter Ross
- Freeplay - They call themselves the biggest, the best and the fastest growing "free" broadcast music production library in the world.
- Public Domain Music - reference site to help identify public domain songs and music
- RoyaltyFreeMusic - free resources for teachers; sound effects, midi files and music loops.
- Sound dogs - online sound effects library
- Songs of the Whale - sixteen sound files to download
- Sound Bible - Sound Bible offers free and royalty free sound effects and clips for video editors, movie scores, game designers, and weekend sound warriors. They update daily so be sure to return for one of the best copyright free sound resources on the net
- Sound Dogs - sound effects, samples, music and more
- Searching the Internet for a Certain MIDI File
- Sing-Along Songs - presented by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Name that Children's Tune NIEHS Quiz
- Name that Patriotic Tune NIEHS Quiz
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