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Elementary Language Arts - Writing Prompts

Writing Stories

Links verified 11/8/2019

  1. Story Mapping - An interactive online writing guide - Ready-made lessons for this tool
  2. Story Telling - On this page you can find information on planning, tools, examples and rubrics as well as important copyright information to help you create valuable learning opportunities through your students' own stories. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.]
  3. Goodnight Stories - Stories you can see, fill-in, decide, finish, or hear. Creative endings are printed on the site if they meet the webmaster's criteria which is stated on the page. Primary grade level. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.]
  4. Main Character Questionnaire - Fill this out to discover things about the main character you are creating or have read about.
  5. Thinking Things from Snaith Primary - An interactive site with which you can create stories online. Click on the Character and Setting links at the top to write your own stories. Click on the numerous travel links to learn about history.

tools for writing stories

  1. Animoto - Create and share unlimited 30-second videos for free.
  2. GoAnimate - a digital storytelling tool that does pretty much the same thing as Xtranormal, is totally free



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