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Video Clips

Video Clips

Links verified 3/9/2023


  1. Classroom Resources - searchable database
  2. LearnOutLoud - "Free audio books, lectures, speeches, sermons, interviews, and many other great free audio and video resources. Most audio titles can be downloaded in digital formats such as MP3 and most video titles are available to stream online."
  3. NASA Multimedia Search
  4. NASA Video Gallery
  5. Nature Video Database - streaming video available from PBS
  6. The Teacher's Domain: Multimedia Resources for the Classroom and Professional Development - This free service provided by WGBH in Boston (Home of NOVA) in partnership with PBS TeacherLine. Registration is required and your password will be needed to access their resources, but it's Free!
  7. Video Clip Gallery - A collection of short video clips featuring some of the wildlife found in Britain
  8. Video Help - This site will help you to make your own VideoCDs, SVCDs, DVDs, DivX, XviD, HD etc that can be played on your standalone DVD Player.
  9. Whys Guy - short video clips, in .wmv format, on a variety of physics topics



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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