Word Cloud Generators
Beware: Some of these tools may have inappropriate things on them since they are free for public usage. If you use these, please put a link to go directly to your own personal area, instead of the main site. Some of these may also be blocked by your school filters.
Web 2.0 is about users and content instead of surfing on the Internet. It's more like what can the Internet do for me as a creator, a collaborator, an active participant, rather than a passive viewer of what is out there on the web
Linka verified 7/14/2016
- ABCYa - Use this tool to make a graphical representation of words. Features include: common words omitted from cloud ; delete words in cloud by right-clicking the word; save in JPEG format.
- TagCrowd - TagCrowd is a web application for visualizing word frequencies in any user-supplied text. Features include: saving in PDF format; HTML embed with customizing some of the CSS styles to suit the style of your webpage; display in full screen for printing; upload a file up to 6 mg.
- Tagxedo - Turns words into a visually stunning tag cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text. Features include: using a shape to define your cloud, many themes and layouts to choose from; saving in JPEG or PNG format with the choice of many different sizes, from thumbnails to 16 megapixels; can load an image of your choice to be used as a shape.
- Wordle - Turns your text into a word cloud. Features include: gives greater prominence to words that appear more frequently; different fonts, layouts, and color schemes; print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery, not moderated or filtered.

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