General Mathematics
Links verified 11/25/2021
- Biographies of Mathematicians - Full Chronological Index covering over 30 centuries.
- Algebra II Calculators - All Math Calculators - in you don't find the calculator that you want on one of these pages the site invites you to request the calculator
- Calculator School - a large number of calculators for use in many subjects
- Calculator Soup - loan, mortgage, time value of money, math, algebra, trigonometry, fractions, physics, statistics, time & date and conversions calculators; many show work or equations that help you understand the calculations
- Calculators and Converters - a multitude of free finance calculators, imperial and metric converters, math calculators, health calculators and other useful tools for everyday, general use
- Calculators On-Line provides links to almost 7000 calculators
- Derivative Calculator - Online calculator for derivatives and partial derivatives which shows user input as a graphical formula while typing (to help prevent the user from entering the wrong formula).
- Derivative Calculator
- Easy Calculation offers several types of calculators
- Graphing Calculator Tutorials from Texas Instruments
- How Old Are You? - use this calculator to see how many years, months, days, minutes or seconds you are old.
- Integral Calculator
- Matrix Calculator - eight operations available
- Metric Conversion - Imperial Conversion (courtesy FPSI French Property) includes; length, area, volume, mass, force, pressure, work, power, temperature, and fuel mileage
- Percentage Calculator - Calculator with many other percentage and percent calculators with examples. Anytime you need to calculate percentage or learn how to calculate percentage, the percentage calculator is here to help.
- CBSE Maths Class 9 to 12 - NCERT books are the first books with which we should start studying for CBSE Exams as it focuses on the basics building blocks of a topic
- Charts and Graphs - Many links and ideas on how to present graphs.
- Coin Flipping page - flip up to 100 coins and see the total number of heads and tails.
- - not much for lower level classes, but check it out for the fun stuff
- Create a Graph - Sometimes, complicated information is difficult to understand and needs an illustration. At this National Center for Education Statistics site you will find four different graphs and charts for you to consider.
- Data Interpretation - Many links that help students understand interpreting data in graphs.
- Davitily Math Problem Generator - add a title then select Create Document , select add problems to select from four areas (Basic math, Algebra, Geometry, or SAT math), select from more specific menus, add the number of problems you want then select the gray Back to button to see a printable document. [online test not available in this free version].
- Fractions - Equivalent fractions. Funbrain will show you four fractions. Click on the fraction not equal to the others.
- Free Math Games for Kids - a wide range of free interactive math games and activities for kids
- - featuring interactive and educational math games for kids of all ages - including Math Baseball and Change Maker - These games can be tailored in difficulty for students in K-8, and might be useful as review in 9-12. If you want to challenge your students further, go to AAA Math and have them determine the fewest coins needed to make the correct change.
- The History of Measurements - short summaries of several categories followed by a set of links for more detailed information
- Interactive math lessons - use a problem-solving approach and actively engage students in the learning process.
- Interactive Mathematic Miscellany and Puzzles - Arithmetic and Algebra - hundreds of interactive activities that relate to algebra and arithmetic skills.
- The Internet Mathematics Library
- Internet Projects for Arithmetic
- Learn to solve word problems - a collection of word problem solvers that solve your problems and help you understand the solutions - All problems are customizable (meaning that you can change all parameters).
- Mastermind - I know it's just a game! But, this game really makes you, or your students, use logical reasoning. Give it a try.
- -Homework Help - Complete coverage of most topics in math. Click on the tabs at the top to access areas.
- Math Cats Balance - You can choose from a wide range of objects to place on this scale - from electrons to galaxies!
- Math Links and On-line Tools - List of useful links to online tools and mathematical subjects
- Math League Help Topics - This is a help resource for 4th through 8th grades. You will find help tutorials for the following topics: Whole numbers and their basic properties; Decimals, whole numbers, and exponents; Using data and statistics; Fractions; Geometry; Ratio and proportion; Percent and probability; Integers; Metric units and measurement; Introduction to algebra; and Positive and negative numbers.
- Math Mistakes - real mistakes from real student work and math facts students should know (algebra, trigonometry, and calculus)
- Math Printables - Grades 1-5 Math printables to correspond to the CCSS.
- Math Quizzes - From Quia - the top 20 math quizzes
- Math Tools - useful math resources from the Web: calculators, graphers, interactive visualizations and software
- Mathematical Interactivities - Many interactive activities for all ages!
- Mathematical Symbols Dictionary
- Mathematical Tables and Formulas - This site is a place for students and educators to quickly access mathematical formulas. The tables are organized by topics.
- Mathematics Lessons - from Schools of California Online Resources for Educators (SCORE) - the K-7 list is organized by Standard and the 8-12 list is organized by subject
- Mathematics Problem Solving worksheets
- Mathematician of the Day - check back here on a regular basis
- Math Web Resources and Standardized Test Practice - from Computing Technology for Math Excellence.
- Measurements Converter - Conversions available for the following: Weight, Capacity and volume, Length, Area, Speed, Pressure, Temperature, Circular measure and Time.
- Metric and English conversion utility - distance, weight, temperature, mass, time zones data storage, and liquid volume conversions
- Metric Conversion - Imperial Conversion (courtesy FPSI French Property) includes; length, area, volume, mass, force, pressure, work, power, temperature, and fuel mileage
- National Library of Virtual Manipulatives - [requires Java] links to manipulatives for Pre K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12
- Number Gossip - Enter a number and the site will tell you everything you wanted to know about it but were afraid to ask. [ For example, I found out that unreasoned fear of the number 13 is termed triskaidekaphobia ]
- Pi through the Ages includes an interesting mnemonic for the decimal expansion of pi. Each successive digit is the number of letters in the corresponding word. With this mnemonic you can remember pi to 3.14159265358979323846264... If you are interested in a bit of whimsy, check out a couple of pi carols to sing on pi day, March 14.
- Practice Tests
- Prime Numbers - This site has a prime number generator and a prime number checker.
- Problem Solving Skills - Many sites that deal with problem solving skills for all age groups.
- Project Interactivate - Interactive lessons and activities for exploration in Science and Math.
Project Interactivate has a large list of interactive sites for middle school mathematics or for elementary mathematics .
- Schoolhouse: Mathematics
- That Quiz is a math testing web site developed by Andrew Lyczak, a graduate student at the University of New Hampshire. The site offers free testing, grading and record keeping for teachers, with practice tests for students. This is a completely free, non-profit educational site.
- Topics in Mathematics - links to various WWW resources on Mathematics. They are organized by topics.
- Trigonometry - a short course - These notes are more of an introduction and guide than a full course. There are a few exercises for you to work on. Dave uses Java to teach the concepts.
- Visual Fractions - an online fraction tutorial helps with the following processes: identifying fractions, renaming fractions, comparing fractions, adding fractions, subtracting fractions, multiplying fractions, and dividing fractions.
- Webmath - over 100 instant-answer, self-help, math solvers, ready to help you get your math problem solved
- Worksheet Generator - Constructs a set of simple arithmetic problems. You can choose the number of problems presented, as well as the types of questions asked.
- Word Problems For Kids - (grades 5 - 12) Hosted by St. Francis Xavier University, this site features about 4 dozen word problems, and solutions
site for teachers |
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