Special Topics in Mathematics
Links verified on 8/29/2016
Numbers & Operations | Measurement | Geometry & Spatial Sense | Data Analysis, Probability & Algebra
Mathematics activities related to: Number Sense, Concepts, and Operations
- Create a Graph - Sometimes, complicated information is difficult to understand and needs an illustration. At this National Center for Education Statistics site you will find four different graphs and charts for you to consider.
- EdHelper.com offers a wide range of fraction worksheets. Each time you request a worksheet an entirely new set of problems is generated.
- Evaluating Exponents of Negative Numbers - AAA Math lesson and practice problems
- Fractions from SOS Math - This math review is targeted toward those individuals who have forgotten what they once knew about fractions. You may need the entire review or just portions of the review. Subjects covered are: Simple Fractions , Complex Fractions , Compound Fractions , Decimals , Percentage and Rules .
- Math Mistakes - real mistakes from real student work class=mm6> and math facts students should know (algebra, trigonometry, and calculus)
- Mathematical Induction - a way of proving math statements for all integers
- Multiplication: An Adventure in Number Sense - Multiplication tips; click on any underlined fact on the table to learn about a reason why you do not have to memorize it. Use the Next arrow to see what else you can discover.
- National Library of Virtual Manipulatives - links to Number Sense manipulatives for Pre K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12
- Number Gossip - Enter a number and the site will tell you everything you wanted to know about it but were afraid to ask. [ For example, we found out that unreasoned fear of the number 13 is termed triskaidekaphobia ]
- Number Theory - a list of links from Math Archives
- Percent and Proportion - unit 10 from Ms. Glosser's Math Goodies
- Random Number Generators - numbers between 0 and 30 - numbers between 0 and 5 -
- Solving Equations - lessons on Linear Equations, Equations Containing Radicals, Equations Containing Absolute Value(s), Quadratic Equations, Equations Involving Fractions, Polynomial Equations of Degree Higher than 2, Exponential Equations, Logarithmic Equations and Trigonometric Equations.
- Visual Fractions , an online fraction tutorial helps with the following processes: identifying fractions, renaming fractions, comparing fractions, adding fractions, subtracting fractions, multiplying fractions, and dividing fractions.
- Why Use Scientific Notation? Why your wrist (or keyboard) will thank you for not writing all those zeros.
- Writing Fractions as Percent - unit 4 from Ms. Glosser's Math Goodies
- Fractions
- No Matter What Shape Your Fractions are In
- Fun Fractions
- Drawing Fun Fractions
- Designer Fractions
- From the same author Lessons that are fun - Look at the index at the bottom of this page. Put your cursor over any lesson title (don't click), a description of the lesson is displayed
- Metric Conversion - easy unit converter
- National Library of Virtual Manipulatives - links to Measurement manipulatives for Pre K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12
- Standard Measurements in Sports from InfoPlease
Geometry and Spatial Sense
- Patterns in Math - Jill Britton, mathematics instructor at Camosun College, Victoria, BC in Canada has a fantastic set of links related to Investigating Patterns . If you find these useful in your classroom you might also check out Escher in the Classroom or Tessellated Polyhedra .
- A Teacher's Guide to Building the Icosahedron as a Class Project
- An Exploration of the Concurrency Points in a Triangle
- Conjectures in Geometry : An educational web site created for high school geometry students. Their list of 20 conjectures in Geometry is supported by demonstrations using the Geometers Sketchpad.
- Davitily Math Problem Generator - add a title then select Create Document , select add problems to select from four areas (Basic math, Algebra, Geometry , or SAT math), select from more specific menus, add the number of problems you want then select the gray Back to button to see a printable document. [online test not available in this free version].
- Exploring Fractals : A complete fractal project
- Fractals - a list of links from Math Archives
- Fruit Picker - Turn the fruit picking machine to pick all of the fruit and fill the basket; easy level involves turns of 30 or 45 degrees, harder requires turns of 30, 45, 60, or 90 degrees.
- The Geometry Center
- Geometry from the Land of the Incas - Problems, theorems, proofs, quizzes and more
- Geometry Help - a variety of help topics are available
- Geometry Through Art : a Lesson on Teaching Measurement by Norman Shapiro. Egyptian knotted string - Use plain kite string and bring geometry into your math program.
- Learning Math - Geometry - a course designed to teach mathematics content to teachers
- Erich's Packing Center has a wealth of visual information regarding the packing of shapes within shapes.
- Polygon Playground - arrange designs with online movable polygons - hundreds of polygons to drag anywhere you want
- Polyhedrons - definition and a large number of examples from Math is Fun
- Symmetry and Pattern - the Art of Oriental Carpets . This activity includes student activities.
- Tutorials and templates for making your own tessellations - This lesson plan includes material relating tessellations to mathematics.
Data Analysis, Probability and Algebra
- Illuminations - home page
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