Links verified 5/9/2024
- Bleach Bottle Banjo - based on the traditional practice of spiking a length of wood through a sound box resonator made from materials such as a calabash, coconut shell, cigar box, or a plastic container
- Climb aboard on the Magic Bus and discover how sounds are made - 2nd grade WebQuest
- Do-a-rein-deer - Make your own music by using the mouse to squeeze the reindeer nose!
- Drum Machine - make your own rhythm or drum patterns with popular Unifix cubes.
- New York Philharmonic Kidzone has an Instrument Storage Room where you can hear each instrument play. (click on the picture of an ear)
- Juice Bottle Jingles -By filling juice bottles with different amounts of water, you can create some catchy tunes!
- Learn about musical instruments - Click on each instrument and hear what it sounds like!
- Light and Sound Matching game - a Quia quiz
- Make your own musical instruments - from Mudkat for Kids
- Make Your Own Rain Stick - With an empty paper towel roll and some uncooked rice, you can create this South American musical instrument.
- Math, Science and Sound Activities - Waves and Frequency
- Musical Fraction Bars - your fractions will transform into a musical composition you can see and hear
- The Nature of a Sound Wave - be sure you see the animation
- Pattern Block Rock - In this activity, you can compose and play your own rhythmic songs using geometric shapes.
- Physical Processes: Changing Sound - experiment with changing pitch of a guitar
- The Science of Sound - posted by 5th Grade Applied Science students from Bethune Academy
- Sound - a Quia quiz
- Sound - Repeat this activity several times. You'll get new matches each time. (from Quia)
- The Sound Site - Activities, performances and more!
- Sound is a Longitudinal Wave - a good animation
- Sound is a Pressure Wave - accompanied by some nice animations
- Vibrating String - experiment online; movement and sound for the first four notes of the harmonic series
- More sound links can be found on the Physics page of Internet4Classrooms.
- Physical Science Standards Resources - K | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th
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