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2nd Grade Language Arts Skill Builders


Grammar - CCSS L.2.1

Links verified on 06/28/2021

1. Adjectives Game.

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Pick the best word. Do 7 to win. SEE MORE
2. Adjectives Learning Game.

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Pick the best adjective. Get 5 right to win! SEE MORE
3. Grammar Gorillas.

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Select the correct part of speech to complete the sentence. Each time you select the correct word, the Grammar Gorillas get a banana. SEE MORE
4. Maze Common Noun Game.

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This game is adeptly designed for Second Grade kids to help them understand how to identify common nouns. In this game, kids have to make their scorpion eat bugs in the maze that represent correct answers. Each bug is color coded with answer options. SEE MORE
5. Nouns and Verbs.

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Help the monkey collect 10 scoops of ice cream before the monster! To collect scoops of ice cream you must correctly identify the nouns and/or verbs in the sentences.  SEE MORE
6. Play Noun Dunk.

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Is the word on the ball a common noun, a proper noun or not a noun at all? Only if you give the correct answer you will score points in this basketball game.  SEE MORE
7. Pronouns.

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Can you put these words into the correct order? (Scroll down to the second game.) SEE MORE
8. Proper Noun - Noun Game.

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This game contains a lesson, which explains proper noun with suitable examples and is followed by practice games. The game and practice exercise will help kids differentiate between common and proper noun words. SEE MORE
9. Second grade language arts.

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Here is a list of language arts skills students learn in second grade! These skills are organized into categories, and you can move your mouse over any skill name to view a sample question. SEE MORE
10. Word 2 Word - Pronouns.

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Click on the words in the right order to make a sentence. Check your score and speed at the end of the game.(Scroll down to the first game.) SEE MORE
11. Word Shark.

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Parts of Speech Games for Kids. Eat the fish that has the correct noun, verb, or adjective. SEE MORE

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