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Kindergarten English Language Arts Standards

Kindergarten English Language Arts Standards

2009-2010 Implementation

Links verified 10/20/2010

The Language Arts section is divided into specific content categories. Each Language Arts category holds resources to target those specific concepts. To work on Kindergarten English/Language Arts activities, click on a topic below to find internet resources for each of the specific learning standards, with the following Grade Level Expectations ("GLE").

  1. Language: Usage, mechanics, spelling, definition, pronunciation, alphabetizing

  2. Communication: Listening skills, basic speaking skills, conversation rules

  3. Writing: Write for a variety of purposes to different audiences, brainstorming, independent spelling, write legibly, use descriptive words

  4. Research: Identify and narrow a topic, gather information from a variety of sources, use family as resource

  5. Logic: Enhance thoughtful reasoning and facilitate learning, make inferences and draw conclusions, apply logic skills

  6. Informational Text: Explore a variety of informational text, use text features and identify the main idea in informational texts

  7. Media: Recognize that media can be a source of information and/or entertainment, use media to publish and present information

  8. Literature: Comprehension strategies before, during, and after reading, various literary genres and their characteristics, basic literary terms (e.g., setting, point of view, simile, metaphor, rhythm)

Source: http://www.state.tn.us/education/ci/english/doc/ENG_Grade_K.pdf



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