The Task block in a WebQuest is a description of what the learner will produce by the end of the exercise. It could be a product, like a HyperStudio stack or PowerPoint presentation, a written report, or an oral presentation.
For example, look at the Task sections of this page:
In Chocolate Chip Cookies: To eat or not to eat , tasks are given with scaffolding help, guide sheets to help students complete tasks.There are several kinds of WebQuest Tasks. Three examples would be; persuasion tasks, consensus building tasks and journalistic tasks. To find a listing of those tasks, and more about each type of task, go to a page posted by San Diego Public Schools .
Last updated on April 22, 1997 by Bernie Dodge
Building Blocks | Introduction | Task |� Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Teacher's Page
Modified by Bill Byles and Susan Brooks on September 22, 2009
with permission from Dr. Dodge.
Internet4Classrooms is a collaborative project developed by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles
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