Links verified on 2/12/11
General Resources - All Versions
- Tutorials for Getting Started - Five tutorials in Flash format showing techniques and demonstrations of how to use with your students.
- Interactive Demonstration of Features - From Inspiration
- 50 Uses for Inspiration/Kidspiration - Includes links to teacher project ideas and more.
- Lesson Plans and Examples - Resources for integrating Inspiration in the classroom.
- Templates for Educators - From Jordan School District's T4 (Transforming Teaching Through Technology).
- Sample Projects - Sample visual learning projects for middle school, high school and staff provided by East Buchanan Community Schools.
- For the Elementary Classroom - Sorted by subject area
- Creating Visual Organizers - Modules on the What's, Why's and How-To's.
- Inspiration and Kidspiration Resources - A variety of ideas, templates, activities, lesson plans and more. Note: A few links were not working under the Lesson Plans, Ideas and Templates section.
- Brainstorming with Inspiration
Inspiration 6
- Templates - Can be used with Inspiration 6 or 7.
- Tips, Hints and More - Vicki Blackwell provides many resources to be used with Inspiration 6 and 7.
- Using with Math Instruction - TeacherTube video tutorial providing various ways to use Inspiration for teaching math.
Inspiration 7
- Templates - Can be used with Inspiration 6 or 7.
- Tips, Hints and More - Vicki Blackwell provides many resources to be used with Inspiration 6 and 7.
Inspiration 8
- Basic Features Video Tutorial - From TeacherTube
- Tutorial, FAQs and Tips - From Inspiration
- Classroom Uses - Ideas and lessons separated by content area.
- Training Scripts - Includes workshops and presentation, all from Inspiration
Inspiration 9
- Training Videos - How-to tutorials provided by Inspiration.
- Lesson Plans and Examples - Sorted by subject area.
- Lessons and Ideas - Submitted by teachers.
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