History: What Happened Today?
- In 1200, Sunglasses are invented in China.
- In 1831, Admiral James C Ross reaches magnetic North Pole.
- In 1859, in the first intercollegiate baseball game, Amherst beats Williams 66-32.
- In 1862, President Lincoln appoints Isaac Newton Secretary of Agriculture-no kidding!
- In 1874, the first US zoo opens in Philadelphia.
- In 1897, Canada became a self-governing dominion of Great Britain. In 1980, O'Canada became the National Anthem.
- In 1934, 1st X-ray photo of entire body was taken in Rochester, NY.
- In 1963, The U.S. Post Office introduced five-digit ZIP codes.
- In 1968 the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union and 58 other nations signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
- In 1997, Hong Kong reverted to Chinese rule after 156 years as a British colony.
- Famous Birthdays: Diana, Princess of Wales, Wally Amos (cookiemaker), Liv Tyler (actress)
For famous birthdays and other daily events in history, visit our Daily Dose Activities.
Click Here for Yesterday in History: June 30
Click Here for Tomorrow in History: July 2
For more history resources on Internet 4 Classrooms, visit our Social Studies and History index. For Pre K-8th Grade Level History and Social Studies Resources, visit our Grade Level Index.
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