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This Day in History: June 16

June 16: What Happened on This Day in History (High_school Level)?

(Page last edited 10/12/2017)

  1. In 1884, the first roller coaster opened in New York's Coney Island called a Switchback Railway. It cost 5 cents per ride.
  2. In 1903, the Ford Motor Company was incorporated in Detroit, Michigan. Twelve stockholders invested $28,000 to get the company started.
  3. In 1909, the first United States commercial airplane was sold by Glen Curtiss for $5,000.00
  4. In 1933, President Roosevelt started his New Deal recovery program in response to the Great Depression. It provided aid and assistance to farmers and labor unions.
  5. In 1948, the first commercial aircraft seaplane from Cathaway Pacific Airways was hijacked en route to Hong Kong. 25 of the 26 passengers died after it crashed into the ocean. The lone survivor was one of the hijackers.
  6. In 1952, the Diary of Ann Frank was published in the United States.
  7. In 1963, the first woman named Valentina Tereshkova was sent into space on board the Soviet Union's Vostok 6.
  8. In 1965, Bob Dylan recorded the famous song "Like a Rolling Stone."
  9. In 1970, Brian Picollo died. A cancer fighter who inspired the tv movie called, "Brian's Song."
  10. In 1989, Ghostbusters II premieres.
  11. Famous Birthdays: Phil Mickelson, golfer; Joan Van Ark, actress; Tupac Shakur, deceased rapper; Diana DeGarmo, American Idol singer.

For famous birthdays and other daily events in history, visit our Daily Dose Activities.

Click Here for Yesterday in History: June 15

Click Here for Tomorrow in History: June 17

For more history resources on Internet 4 Classrooms, visit our Social Studies and History index. For Pre K-8th Grade Level History and Social Studies Resources, visit our Grade Level Index.



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