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Time Related Sites


Sites Related to Time Zones, Clocks, World Time and More!

Links Verified on 4/2/2024

Caution ! Some time sites, especially those that show comparisons of times in other parts of the world, pull time information from your own computer, not from an official time database.

For practice activities related to telling time, visit our Elementary Interactive Activities to Learn Telling Time and Worksheets to Learn Telling Time.

Official U. S. Time - Select a time zone to see the correct time there and also a very nice Mercator projection map of the earth showing day and night

  1. Calendar for any year
  2. Current Local Times for North America
  3. Current Time in 1000 places
  4. Date and Time calculators
  5. Earth and Moon viewer . You can view either a map of the Earth showing the day and night regions at this moment, or view the Earth from the Sun, the Moon, the night side of the Earth, above any location on the planet specified by latitude, longitude and altitude, from a satellite in Earth orbit, or above various cities around the globe. Earth - Moon
  6. Local Times Around the World - This guide attempts to list all of the world's countries, and many of its islands. Times consider Daylight Savings Time.
  7. Printable Calendar - create a calendar for any month of the current year, or print a twelve month calendar for any of the next ten years This link includes something for the teacher to print
  8. Stop Watch - an online stopwatch [use preferences to change the appearance]
  9. Sunclock from World Time Zone
  10. Sundial - from Canon's Bubble Jet Printer Creative Park
  11. Sunrise, sunset, dawn and dusk times around the World
  12. Time Dilation Model (relativity) - The applet demonstrates that the clock in the spaceship goes more slowly than the two clocks of the system in which Earth and Pluto are motionless.
  13. Time Zones of the World - a printable map in color
  14. U S Naval Observatory Time Service Department - The Official Source of Time for the Department of Defense and the Standard of Time for the United States
  15. A Walk Through Time - The Evolution of Time Measurement through the Ages (A NIST Physics Laboratory Presentation)
  16. What Time is it Around the World? - (interactive time zone map) click on cities for time or highlight an entire time zone
  17. What Time is it Now? - current time, weather, and a map of your location, plus links to other cities and countries as well as a database of information about countries
  18. World Clocks - current time at page load (Thanks Brandon!)
  19. World Time Server provides the most accurate current local times of any world clock on the Internet. The server makes real time adjustments for Daylight Saving Time. No matter what time zone a country or city is located in, this site is an excellent resource for determining any time, anywhere.
  20. World Time Zone map with current times - an interactive site

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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