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Lang Arts Writing

The Writing Process

by Susan Brooks


"Time to write!" the teacher declares.

Instantly the mind becomes as clean and crystal clear as new blown glass.

"Take out your paper and pencil," the teacher declares.

The white starkness glares as blue lines smile benignly.

The sharpened lead dares the hand to dull its point.

"The timer is set. Begin! the teacher declares.

The stillness in the room becomes too intense.
Constipated minds strain for ideas.
Each tick of the timer thumps the eardrum resoundingly.

Occasionally, sporadic hen-scratching across crisp paper echoes throughout the room.

"Just a few minutes more, then we'll read them aloud," the teacher declares.

Startled brain is launched into action.
Pencil hesitantly moves on its own accord, writing subconscious words on the smiling blue lines.
Waves of thought begin to clutter the vast white starkness.
Ideas come bounding out too fast to capture.

The sharpened lead loses its dare.

"Time's up." the teacher declares.

The brain, fully aroused, is choked off.
Words bursting to be released push against the device to set them free.

"Reread what you have and briefly revise, the teacher declares.

Thoughts are deciphered, meaning reveals itself, feelings ease back.
Nothing hard about this.
Task is comfortably completed.

Next day,
"Time to write!" the teacher declares.

Ideas go back into hiding once again.



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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