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links verified 2/13/2023

Science & Technology || Individuals || Customize your own timeline
  1. America During the Age of Revolution -  1774 - 1789
  2. America on the Move - explores the role of transportation in America's history (drag the timeline to see different time periods)
  3. American History timeline posted by the Smithsonian
  4. American Music - 1640 to 2000
  5. Asian-American History Timeline
  6. Berlin Wall
  7. Black History Milestones - a timeline
  8. Calendar Timeline - Timeline of interesting calendar facts
  9. Civil War - Time Line of The Civil War: index of glass negatives
  10. U. S. Civil War (includes links to many photographs)
  11. Dust Bowl timeline from PBS
  12. Fashion - 1858 - 2000
  13. The Face of Russia traces the general chronology of Russian culture. Ten centuries of art, architecture, music, dance and
    cinema reveals the major events that shaped Russian culture.
  14. Food Timeline - Ever wonder what the Vikings ate when they set off to explore the new world? What the pioneers cooked along the Oregon Trail? Food is the fun part of social studies! You might also want to check out the Culinary History Timeline .
  15. History of United States Immigration Laws - a list of notable U.S. immigration laws in chronological order from the dates they were enacted
  16. Holocaust Timeline - (from 1933 to 1961)
  17. HyperHistory - Online version of a great wall chart
  18. Indonesia - (from about 100 AD to current)
  19. Interactive Historical Timelines from WhoWhatWhen. This site contains a database of people and events from 1000 A.D. to the present. With this site you can create graphic timelines of periods in history and of the lives of individuals.
  20. A Time Line of Mathematicians - posted by School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of St Andrews, Scotland
  21. Macro History - index of timelines ( from 60,000 BCE to 1950 )
  22. Millennium - 1000 years of History - Experience the people, events and achievements that have shaped the world. Timelines, in pop-up windows, are available in each century
  23. Millennium Milestones - The 100 Most Significant Events of the Last Thousand Years
  24. Nobel Prize winners
  25. People and History of Mexico - time line in the form of a hot list
  26. Pulitzer Prizes
  27. The Salem Witch Trials 1692 : A Chronology of Events
  28. Stylistic Timeline Of Music History - from the music of ancient times to 21st Century music (a huge timeline)
  29. Thanksgiving Timeline - The story of the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag begins before the Thanksgiving feast. Relive the Pilgrims' first year in America, and learn how the Wampanoag helped them survive in the New World.
  30. Underground Railroad timeline - from National Geographic
  31. Western Philosophers - This is a vertical timeline of western philosophers from 600 BC to current
  32. Year by Year 1900 to 2005 from InfoPlease

Science and Technology timelines

  1. Inventions by Century
    1. 11th - 14th Century Inventions 1000 - 1399
    2. 15th Century Inventions 1400 - 1499
    3. 16th Century Inventions 1500 - 1599
    4. 17th Century Inventions 1600 - 1699
    5. 18th Century Inventions 1700 - 1799
    6. 19th Century Inventions 1800 - 1850 , 1851 - 1899
    7. 20th Century Inventions 1900 - 1925 , 1926 - 1950 , 1951 - 1975 , 1976 - 1999 ,
    8. 21st Century Inventions 2000+
  2. 50 Years of Hard Drives - a Washington Post article which includes the timeline
  3. Atomic Structure timeline
  4. Chronology of Personal Computers - (1947 to current)
  5. Computing History - this 68 page document takes a while to download, but it's worth the wait.This is an Adobe Acrobat document
  6. Evolutionary Thought timeline - the life and work of notable people who have contributed to evolutionary thought
    1. Other timelines related to Evolution
  7. Galileo timeline
  8. Geologic Time Line - posted by the San Diego Natural History Museum
  9. Highway Through Time - The highway on your screen - marked off in one-kilometer increments - represents Earth's evolutionary history. On this five-kilometer stretch, each kilometer equals one billion years.
  10. Internet Timeline - (from 1957 to 2003)
  11. Lunar and Planetary Exploration Chronology 1957 to 2009
  12. Microbiology Time Line
  13. The Mysteries of Deep Space Timeline - From the Big Bang to the End of the Universe (from PBS)
  14. NASA History timelines
  15. Nobel Prize for Chemistry (with photos)
  16. Physics - A century of Physics presented by the American Physical Society.
  17. Plate Tectonics animations - Go way back in time with these animations of earth crust movement
  18. Science Timeline - steps in the evolution of Western thinking about nature
  19. Space Program timeline - from NPR, clicking the left and right arrows to scroll through images and facts.
  20. Strange Science timeline - This list chronicles some of the major events in the history of paleontology and biology.


  1. Abraham Lincoln
  2. Elvis Presley
  3. Lewis & Clark

Customize your own Timeline

  1. Customize your own timeline - This free service is offered by OurTimeLines.com. They request that webmasters not link to the timeline generator. Therefore you must go to the bottom of their page where you see the phrase, Ready to check it out? Just... Click!
  2. Free Timelines - This free timeline maker allows you to build, save, and print arbitrary timelines absolutely free. Use the control buttons located on the blue bar below the ads.
  3. Make your own Timeline , thanks to Teachnology - ( scroll down past the membership information ) Their generator can be used to make time lines of up to 9 events of your choice. Select either a horizontal or vertical timeline.
  4. Use Excel to create a Timeline - This activity collects data about the Pilgrims and uses the data to make a timeline.
  5. Use Excel to create a Timeline - This activity creates a timeline using TCAP format.

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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