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Dolch Sight Words Lesson, Week 3

Pre-K & Kindergarten: Daily/Weekly Lesson, Word List 3

We are providing these words to you and some suggested lessons to use with your child on a weekly basis. We suggest working with these words for no more than 5-10 minutes a day, based upon your child's age and level of focus.

Some tips:

  • Keep a word notebook. Each week write the words in the notebook and ask your child to write the words beside yours. As the summer progresses, you will find that it will get easier for your child to write the words in the notebook.
  • Try not to write the words in all capital letters. Words that children will see in books and in school, do NOT have all capital letters.
  • While you are reading to your child, point out the words that have been studied and let him/her read the word with you.

Word List 3 for Pre-K

  1. here
  2. I
  3. go

Word List 3 for Kindergarten

  1. black
  2. white
  3. brown
  4. out

Bonus Words for Kindergarten:

  1. any
  2. an

Suggested Daily Activities (Try 1 per day with your child)

  1. Flash Cards - Create flash cards from the word list. Write the word in lower case letters on an index card. Click on this link and select activity #9 to find ready-made flash cards that you can print out for this word list. Click on this link to find all sorts of on-line flash card ideas.
  2. Find and Listen to the Word - Click on this link and select activity #4. First, click on the word list words. The audio will speak the word on which you clicked. Next, say a word list word to your child and let your child click on the word. Hearing the word he/she clicked on will tell you and your child if the right word was selected.
  3. Pre-writing sheets - This exercise is great for working on fine-motor skills. Click on this link and select activity #2. Select a sheet to use for the day - choose an option from the right hand side of the screen. Click the "print sheet" button to print out the sheet. Ask your child to trace the objects. Insert this sheet into your word notebook. You can compare sheets as the weeks go by to see your child's progress.
    1. Listening
    2. General Listening - Learning to listen is a skill that can be practiced. Click on this link and select an activity that fits your child's level of readiness.
    3. Stories - A major component of pre-reading is to recognize the words that are being read aloud to the child. Click on this link and select a story. While listening to the story, let the child pick out the words he/she recognizes from the word list.
  4. Cutting Skills - Learning to cut with scissors is not an easy skill to learn. First the child must hold the scissors properly and keep holding them correctly while cutting. Help your child practice over summer by using the worksheets on this page. You may write the words on the word list on paper and have your child cut out each word. Keep these 'child-created flashcards' in a ziploc baggie and take them in the car with you to practice word recognition during travel time. Again, as your child practices and grows stronger and more confident with his/her fine motor skills, you should see an improvement over the summer.

For more Pre-K and Kindergarten reading and other language arts resources, please visit our Kindergarten Zone and our Pre-K Activities.



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