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Grade 5-6: Vocabulary Lesson for Wednesday, Week 3

Grade 5-6: Vocabulary Lesson for Wednesday, Week 3

This week's theme is: Culture

Word List 3

  1. implied: understood without being openly or direct
  2. propaganda: promotion of particular idea to persuade people to think a certain way
  3. justify: to give a reason for an action
  4. bias: a judgement formed before the facts are known
  5. immigrant: a person who moves to another country to live
  6. exploit: take advantage of
  7. diversity: differences among people in race and/or religion

Wednesday Activities

  1. Mind Mapping - On a piece of paper, or on the computer in Word, draw a circle and write the vocabulary word inside the circle. Think of words that mean the same thing and put those in circles around the outside of the word drawing a line to connect the synonyms. You can find ideas for making word maps on the Internet by clicking on this link.
  2. Create a word cloud with this tool. Type in each vocabulary word. Also type in some synonyms and antonyms of each word. When you are finished, click "Go." See if you can match up the vocabulary word with its synonyms and antonyms.
  3. Mind Games - Create a mind map with words that mean the opposite or antonyms. Use the thesaurus built into your word program to find more words that are antonyms. Or you can go to this on-line thesaurus. Click on the button in front of Thesaurus at the top of the page, then type your word into the white area.

Other Help

If you need more information on your words, click on the link to use a on-line dictionary.

Use the daily activities to help you remember words that you learn each week. It is much easier to remember what the words mean if you do something with them and use them frequently in talking with your parents, family and friends.

Sample sentences:

He implied that she was different.
The teacher implied that there was a test tomorrow.

The pamphlet was spreading propaganda about the group of people.
Propaganda cartoon strips were prominent during the war.

Some people use religion for justifying hatred.
He tried to justify why he was late for class.

Biased people will not listen to anyone else's opinions.
Referees should not show bias toward one of the teams playing.

The children were not polite to the immigrant children at school.
The newly arrived immigrant did not speak the language of the country.

Some people exploit immigrants.
The high school exploited the boy's athletic ablility.

The students of this school come from a diversity of backgrounds.
America celebrates the the diversity of its country


For more vocabulary, reading and other language arts resources, please visit our interactive skillbuilders.



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