Complete a graphic organizer (i.e., clustering, listing, mapping, webbing) with information from notes for a writing selection. SPI 0801.3.12
Links verified on 9/3/2014
- Bibliographic Blunders - (6-8) use note cards to collect information.
- Character Trading Cards - This tool provides a fun and useful way to explore a character in a book or as a prewriting exercise when creating characters for original stories. Student Interactive from Read/Write/Think
- Circle Plot Diagram - The tool can be used as a pre-writing graphic organizer for students writing original stories with a circular plot structure (e.g., If You Take a Mouse to School), as well as a post-reading organizer used to explore the text structures in a book. Student Interactive from Read/Write/Think
- Developing the Fictional World Through Mapping - writing suggestions from Holly Lisle
- Education World Templates - seventeen graphic organizers to download and print or edit
- Essay Map - The Essay Map is an interactive graphic organizer that enables students to organize and outline their ideas for an informational, definitional, or descriptive essay. Student Interactive from Read/Write/Think
- Exploratree - free online library of thinking guides - you can print, but you can not save
- Five main types of organizers - links showing examples of many types
- Graphic Organizer Links - links to a large number of graphic organizers provided by Vermilion Parish School Board in Abbeville, LA - Second page of links from the same school system [unavailable on 5/2/2010]
Graphic Organizer Templates - Use these Graphic Organizer templates with your class using a given story.
- Graphic Organizers - from Enchanted Learning
- Graphic Organizers from Education Place - 38 graphic organizers to print, all in pdf format
- Holt Interactive Graphic Organizers - Three dozen different templates are available at this site. Click on a graphic organizer to download a PDF of it. Once you've downloaded an organizer, type your comments and print it.
- Idea Graphic Chart - worksheet - Fill in the supporting sentences that best fits the main idea.
Index of Graphic Organizers - from Inspiration
Instructions on how to use Excel to create a graphic organizer
- Interactive Graphic Organizers Sampler - This series of thinking tools covers a range of activities. These tools let you actively construct, examine, and modify your ideas. Currently seven of the planned seventeen thinking tools are available; look for the titles in green on the left.
Kinds of Concept Maps - examples of four major categories of concept maps [this link is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine.]
- Online Mind Mapping Software - Mindomo - Just click "Try It Now" to begin. This site lets you create graphic organizers with topics, connections, labels, text notes, images, web links, and many formatting options. You can save your mind maps, print them, or export them as images
Problem/Solution Chart - Fill out this chart as a whole class activity brainstorming session to learn to recognize problems and solutions in stories. This uses cause and effect, but can be adapted.
- Story Map - The Story Map interactive is designed to assist students in pre-writing and post-reading activities by focusing on the key elements of character, setting, conflict, and resolution. Student Interactive from Read/Write/Think
- Take Notes - students evaluate what items should be included in the opening paragraph of a news story
Teaching about Conflict in Literature - Lesson Plan - uses graphic organizer to plot out stories.
- Text 2 Mind Map - a web application that converts texts to mind maps - Enter a structured list of words or sentences and Text2Mind Map will interpret it and make a mind map out of them that you can print.
Tips on Making Your Own Concept Maps [this link is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine.]
Use Excel to make a Venn Diagram - This is an Excel workbook to download
- Venn Diagram, 2 Circles - This interactive tool allows students to create Venn Diagrams that contain two overlapping circles, enabling them to organize their information logically. Student Interactive from Read/Write/Think
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