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8th Grade - Writing Standards

8th Grade English Language Arts - Writing Standards

To work on eighth grade writing standards, click on the numbers below to visit pages of internet resources for each of the learning standards.

Checks for Understanding are at the top of this page. Scroll down to find internet resources related to the State Performance Indicators (SPIs).

Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0801.3.1 Modes and Genres - Write in a variety of modes and genres, including description, narration, exposition, persuasion, literary response, personal expression, and imaginative.
0801.3.2 Prompts - Practice writing to expository prompts within a specified time.
0801.3.3 Create Work-Related Texts - Texts such as instructions, directions, letters, memos, and reports.
0801.3.4 Topic - Develop focused, appropriate, and interesting topics for writing.
0801.3.5 Thesis - Create a thesis statement and include relevant facts, details, reasons, and examples that support the thesis.
0801.3.6 Needs of Audience - Develop relevant details or reasons in a manner that meets the needs of the audience and purpose.
0801.3.7 Appropriate Structures - Organize writing using structures appropriate for the topic, and meet the needs of the audience (e.g., If using an anecdote to provide an example, use chronological order with sufficient time signals for the reader to follow easily).
0801.3.8 Organization - Use appropriate and effective words and phrases to indicate the organizational pattern (e.g., problem-solution, with order of steps necessary indicated in the solution).
0801.3.9 Text Features - Use text features (e.g., headings, subheadings, formatting) as appropriate to signal simple relationships between ideas.
0801.3.10 Appropriate Vocabulary - Use appropriate vocabulary, sentence, and usage to distinguish between formal and informal language.
0801.3.11 Figurative Language - Use strong verbs and figurative language (e.g., metaphors, similes) for emphasis or creative effect as appropriate to the purpose.
0801.3.12 Sentence Structure - Use correct sentence structures that are appropriate for audience and purpose.
0801.3.13 Syntactic Structures - Incorporate some variety of syntactic structures for effect when appropriate (e.g., modifying phrases, parenthetical expressions).
0801.3.14 Tone - Edit to craft a tone that is appropriate for the topic and audience, and supports the purpose.
0801.3.15 Point of View - Use language that conveys the writer's point of view.
0801.3.16 Other Sources - When other sources are used or referenced (such as in research, informational essays, or literary essays) adhere to the following:
0801.3.17 Notes - Generate notes on text, and identify main and supporting ideas.
0801.3.18 Edit - Edit writing for mechanics (punctuation, capitalization), spelling, grammar (e.g., consistent verb tense, noun and pronoun agreement).
0801.3.19 Revise - Drawing on reader's comments, revise papers to focus on topic or thesis, develop ideas, employ transitions, and identify a clear beginning and ending.
0801.3.20 Writing Rubric - Demonstrate confidence in using the Writing Assessment Rubric while evaluating one's own writing and the writing of others.
0801.3.21 Software - Use relatively basic software programs (e.g., Word, PowerPoint) to write more challenging texts and create graphics to present ideas visually and in writing.
0801.3.22 Publication - Identify and explore opportunities for publication (e.g., local/national contests, Internet web sites, newspapers, periodicals, school displays).

State Performance Indicators

SPI 0801.3.1 Purpose - Identify the purpose for writing (i.e., to inform, to describe, to explain, to persuade).
SPI 0801.3.2 Audience - Identify the targeted audience for a selected passage.
SPI 0801.3.3 Appropriate Thesis - Select an appropriate thesis statement for a writing sample.
SPI 0801.3.4 Coherent Order - Rearrange multi-paragraphed work in a logical and coherent order.
SPI 0801.3.5 Transitions - Select appropriate time-order or transitional words/phrases to enhance the flow of a writing sample.
SPI 0801.3.6 Supporting Sentences - Choose the supporting sentence that best fits the context and flow of ideas in a paragraph.
SPI 0801.3.7 Irrelevant Sentences - Identify sentences irrelevant to a paragraph's theme or flow.
SPI 0801.3.8 Vivid Words - Select vivid words to strengthen a description (adjective or adverb) within a writing sample or passage.
SPI 0801.3.9 Illustrations - Select illustrations, explanations, anecdotes, descriptions and/or facts to support key ideas.
SPI 0801.3.10 Title - Select an appropriate title that reflects the topic of a written selection.
SPI 0801.3.11 Mode - Identify individual written selections as technical, narrative, persuasive, and/or descriptive in mode.
SPI 0801.3.12 Graphic Organizer - Complete a graphic organizer (i.e., clustering, listing, mapping, webbing) with information from notes for a writing selection.
SPI 0801.3.13 Format - Select the most appropriate format for a work-related text.
Review Help Resources to help review Eighth Grade English Language Arts standards



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