Create work-related texts, such as instructions, directions, letters, memos, and reports that employ the following techniques: 0801.3.3
Appropriate Format Select a medium or format appropriate to purpose for writing, and maintain focus on the purpose. Writing Strategy Use varied strategies to achieve different purposes (e.g., providing facts and details or including examples to illustrate). Audience Demonstrate awareness of audience through selection of medium or format, choice of supporting ideas, background information, and word choice and
tone.Opposing Viewpoints Respond to opposing viewpoints and/or anticipate and answer potential questions from audience. Vocabulary Use accurate and accessible vocabulary to convey meaning Support Provide accurate and relevant support for the main points in the text. Customary Formats Follow customary formats (e.g., Use salutation, closing, and signature for business letters, and format for memos). Guide Readers Include formatting or visual elements to guide readers by highlighting specific categories of information and/or to signal transitions between steps (e.g., headings, bulleted lists). Graphics Use graphics and illustrative material effectively to support ideas in the text as appropriate to content and medium.

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