2nd Grade Mathematics Skills
Prior Standards Implementation
The standards listed below have been replaced by a newer set of standards.
Please go to Current 2nd Grade Math Standards for current resources.
Number & Operations - Links to previous number and operations standards (e.g. count forward and backward by 1 from any number less than 999; read and write numerals to 999; determine the value of a collection of coins up to $1.00). Algebra - Links to previous algebra standards (e.g. sort objects by 2 or more attributes; identify the unit of a 3-part repeating pattern; show that subtraction is not commutative). Geometry - Links to previous geometry standards (e.g. identify, build, draw and compare two and three dimensional figures; identify shapes that have line symmetry; identify position of a whole number on a number line). Measurement - Links to previous measurement standards (e.g. understand concepts of perimeter and area; explain what can be measured about objects in the environment; estimate lengths and time intervals). Data Analysis & Probability - Links to previous data analysis and probability standards (e.g. pose questions and gather data to answer questions; construct pictographs and bar graphs; explain whether event is likely or unlikely).
Return to Grade Level Help.
Great Tools:
Worksheet Generator - This site will allow you to create printable math worksheets from your browser. Including: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, mixed problems, fractions, measurement, graphing, telling time, and other charts.
Math Teachers' Toolkit - Compilation of resources to help students understand concepts.
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