End-of-Course - Physical Science Standards
Standard 4: Energy
sites to help students practice skills needed for the Physical Science exam
Item Sampler from the State of Tennessee
Links verified 10/31/2012
Standard 4 Energy Level 1 classify waves as transverse waves or longitudinal waves, given an illustration.
- An index of wave tutorials from the Physics Classroom
- Electromagnetic Wave - This animation (java applet) shows an electromagnetic wave, namely a plane polarized wave, which propagates in positive x direction.
- Explore the relations between circular motion, simple harmonic motion and wave with this simple java applet.
- Waveform Demonstration - computer-based demonstration of these waveforms using a Java applet
identify wavelength, frequency and amplitude, given an illustration.
- An index of Wave animations from the Physics Classroom
- Create standing waves with this excellent java applet. Change parameters or step the animation forward slowly while viewing the component waves to investigate interference. To isolate wave reflection, you might want to view the reflection of a single pulse.
- Electromagnetic Spectrum - In this applet, you can click on the wavelength/frequency scale and change the wavelength and frequency by dragging the mouse or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard. Holding the shift key down while pressing the left or right arrow keys changes the wavelength by a factor of 10.
determine the temperature scale used, given the boiling and/or freezing point of water.
- Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion lesson
- Temperature - compares five temperatures on the three major scales
- Temperature Scales - compares Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scales
- Three Big Temperature Scales - introduction to how temperature is measured
- Three Temperature Scales - two graphics compare several temperatures across scales
Level 2 identify a wave interaction as reflection, diffraction, refraction, and interference, given an example.
- Beats - a java applet to investigate this sound phenomenon
- Diffraction of Light by a Single Slit - an applet to investigate diffraction
- Index of wave terms - good diagrams accompany each definition
- Standing Wave - Explanation by Superposition with the Reflected Wave
- Standing Longitudinal Waves - This Java applet demonstrates the harmonics of the air in a tube as an example of standing longitudinal waves.
- Explore superposition of waves with a sine wave or a saw tooth wave
- Interference of two Circular or Spherical Waves - This Java applet shows the interference of two circular respectively spherical waves (e.g. of water or sound waves).
select characteristic(s) that best describe(s) sound or light. determine whether the transfer of thermal energy is conduction, convection or radiation, given an illustration.
- Heat Transfer - an interactive graphical map
- Thermodynamic Equilibrium - an applet designed to simulate the diffusion process which occurs when gases of different temperatures are mixed (seven experiments can be performed with this applet)
compare and contrast the four kinds of wave interactions (reflection, diffraction, refraction, and interference).
- Standing Wave - Explanation by Superposition with the Reflected Wave
- Tacoma Narrows Bridge Failure - photos illustrating this classic case of wave interaction you might also want to see a short (10 second) clip of the failure.
- Resonance applet with instructions in the form of a dialog
- Experiments on Wave Interference
- Classic two slit interference change the slit separation to determine the interference pattern
- Explore standing waves created by waves moving in opposite direction (no reflection) with this java applet
- Create standing waves (with reflection at a boundary) with this excellent java applet. Change parameters or step the animation forward slowly while viewing the component waves to investigate interference. To isolate wave reflection, you might want to view the reflection of a single pulse.
- Diffraction of Light by a Single Slit - an applet to investigate diffraction
- Hearing Subtraction - (an activity on frequency and beats) This site allows students to hear beat frequency caused by two sounds.
- Interference of Light at a Double Slit - an applet to investigate interference
- Reflection and Refraction of Light Waves [Huygens' Principle] - This applet is a tutorial which explains the reflection and the refraction of waves by the principle of Huygens.
- Refraction of Light - The applet shows the reflected and the refracted ray and calculates the corresponding angles. Students can change the incident angle and the media.
- Standing Wave - Explanation by Superposition with the Reflected Wave
calculate voltage, given resistance and current in a series circuit, given the formulas.
- Combinations of Resistors, Inductors and Capacitors - java applet
- Electrical Resistance - Ohm's law from the Physics Classroom
- Ohm’s Law - This applet shows a simple circuit containing one resistor. In addition there is a voltmeter (parallel to the resistor) and an ammeter (in series with the resistor)
- The Ohm Zone - build any type of circuit you want
- Simple AC Circuits - This Java applet shows a simple circuit consisting of an alternating voltage source and, depending on the selected radio button, a resistor (without inductivity), a capacitor or an ideal coil (without resistance).
- Resistor Combinations - determine resistor combinations within the circuit where two or more resistors can be combined, and replace series and parallel resistor combinations with the correct equivalent resistors.
- Resistors in Series - electronics tutorial about resistors in series
- Resistors in Series - [3:20] video lesson
distinguish between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, given a scenario.
- Compare Nuclear Fusion vs. Nuclear Fission - the emphasis here is on the production of energy
- The Difference Between Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion - two-page explanation
- Differences Between Fission and Fusion - explanation from the eHow site
- Nuclear Energy Transformed - four-page lesson plan which includes a quiz to take twice, once before reading and again during reading
- Nuclear Fusion: The Power of the Sun - [designed for grades 9-12] four page lesson plan from Discovery Education
select the statement that best describes the law of conservation of energy.
- Motion Madness - Vocabulary words dealing with motion and energy (four Quia quizzes) Matching | Concentration | Flash Cards | Word Search
- Roller Coaster WebQuest - the differences between potential and kinetic energy, and how different variables affect roller coaster design
Level 3 calculate the amount of heat gained or lost by a substance, given the formula
- Thermodynamic Equilibrium - an applet designed to simulate the diffusion process which occurs when gases of different temperatures are mixed (seven experiments can be performed with this applet)
site for teachers |
PowerPoint show |
Acrobat document |
Word document |
whiteboard resource |
sound |
video format |
interactive lesson |
a quiz |
lesson plan |
to print
Physics java applets | Physics 2000 | Interactive Optics Applets | Interactive Physics | Interactive Physics (2) | Physics Lessons | Java Applets on Physics | Computer Animations | General Physics Java Applets | ActivPhysics Online | Physlets | Fear of Physics | Shockwave Physics | Virtual Laboratory | Physics Education Technology
Physics Information: Physics Classroom , Multimedia Physics Studio , Shockwave Physics Studios
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