Identify the most reliable sources of information to support a research topic. SPI 0301.4.1
Links verified on 12/24/2014
- The ABC's of Web Site Evaluation (presented by Kathy Schrock) - Evaluation of Web sites is an important skill to learn in this age of digital and information literacy. Students and teachers need practice in critically examining sites to determine authority, authenticity, and applicability to purpose. This site provides that practice.
- Critical Evaluation of a Web site - Worksheet for students
- Critical Evaluation of Resources - In the research process you will encounter many types of resources including books, articles and web sites. But not everything you find on your topic will be suitable. How do you make sense of what is out there and evaluate its authority and appropriateness for your research?
- Critically Analyzing Information Sources - the emphasis here is on print sources
- Evaluating Web Pages - techniques to apply and questions to ask
- Evaluating Information Found on the Internet - a thoughtful guide to evaluating web and other Internet resources [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Evaluation of information sources - This page contains pointers to criteria for evaluating information resources, particularly those on the Internet.
- Find it on the internet - introduce pupils to the basic ways of searching for information and how to keep safe on the internet
- The Good, The Bad & The Ugly - why it's a good idea to evaluate web sources
- How to Evaluate Web Resources - a visual guide to evaluating sources on the web
- Looking in books - develop pupils' understanding of how different types of books contain specific information, and of the ways in which information is organized in books, including lists of contents, chapter overviews, advance organizers and indexes
- Quality Information Check List -a resource to help young people evaluate the information they find on the Internet.
- Research Roadmap - an interactive online tutorial for students wanting an introduction to research skills from Humboldt State University Library
- Using the Internet as a Source - online quiz
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