3rd Grade English Language Arts Standards
2009-2010 Implementation
All links in the pages below were verified in October, 2011
The Language Arts section is divided into specific content categories. Each Language Arts category holds resources to target those specific concepts. To work on 3rd Grade English/Language Arts activities, click on a topic below to find internet resources for each of the specific learning standards, with the following Grade Level Expectations ("GLE").
Language: Usage, mechanics, spelling, definition, pronunciation, sentence structure
Communication: Listening skills, basic speaking skills
Writing: Write for a variety of purposes to different audiences, write in various modes and genres, resources for the six steps of the writing process
Research: Identify and narrow a topic, gather information from a variety of sources, present research results in a written report
Logic: Enhance thoughtful reasoning and facilitate learning, make inferences and draw conclusions, apply logic skills
Informational Text: Comprehend informational text, recognize the different features of informational texts (e.g., separate text boxes, diagrams, captions, charts, graphs)
Media: Recognize that media can be a source of information and/or entertainment, use media to publish and present information
Literature: Comprehension strategies before, during, and after reading, various literary genres and their characteristics, basic literary terms (e.g., setting, point of view, simile, metaphor, rhythm)
Review Help: Grade level resources for practice tests, interactive activities.
Source: http://www.state.tn.us/education/ci/english/doc/ENG_Grade_3.pdf
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