3rd Grade English Language Arts - Communication Standards
All links in the pages below were verified in December, 2014
To work on third grade communication standards, click on the numbers below to visit pages of internet resources for each of the learning standards.
Checks for Understanding are at the top of this page. Scroll down to find internet resources related to the State Performance Indicators (SPIs).
Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)
0301.2.1 Conversation - Consistently use established rules for polite conversation and attentive listening (e.g., take turns, raise hands, ask questions, don not interrupt, face speaker). 0301.2.2 Follow Directions - Demonstrate the ability to follow oral directions up to three steps. 0301.2.3 Answer Questions - Respond to questions from teachers and other group members and pose follow-up questions for clarity. 0301.2.4 Respond to Media - Listen and respond to a variety of media (e.g., books, audio tapes, videos). 0301.2.5 Summarize - Summarize information presented orally by others. 0301.2.6 Main Idea - Recognize the main idea conveyed in a speech. 0301.2.7 Summarize a Speech - Construct a brief summary of a speech. 0301.2.8 Conversation Rules - Use rules for conversation and verbal participation. 0301.2.9 Give Directions - Give three step oral directions. 0301.2.10 Group Discussion - Participate in group discussions. 0301.2.11 Vocabulary - Demonstrate evidence of expanding oral language through vocabulary growth. 0301.2.12 Response to Text - Participate in creative and expressive responses to text (e.g., choral reading, discussion, dramatizations, oral presentations, personal experiences). State Performance Indicators
SPI 0301.2.1 Identify Main Idea - Identify the main idea of a speech. SPI 0301.2.2 Appropriate Behavior - Given a list of interactive behaviors (i.e., taking turns, behaving courteously, not interrupting, listening, remaining on task), identify those that are appropriate (or inappropriate) for group activities. SPI 0301.2.3 Identify Missing Information - Given a written summary of a speech, choose from a list of ideas the one not mentioned in the speech. Review Help Resources to help review Third Grade Engligh Language Arts standards

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