Demonstrate evidence of expanding oral language through vocabulary growth. 0301.2.11
Links verified on 12/23/2014
- Analogy Quizzes
- Analogy of the Day - each day Fact Monster will show a new analogy question
- Analogy Practice Quiz #1 - [6 questions] match word pairs, advanced level
- Analogy Practice Quiz #2 - [6 questions] match word pairs, advanced level
- Analogies - [34 questions] the keyboard may be used to answer these multiple choice questions
- Analogies: Set 1 - Solving analogies helps develop critical thinking skills
- Part/Whole Analogies Quiz - [12 questions] scroll down and click to begin the quiz
- Field Trip - unscrambling synonyms - a word list is provided
- Flash Analogy Set - Mr. Anker's analogy practice quiz
- Interactive Vocabulary Builders for Test Prep - a collection of resources at Internet4Classrooms
- Oral Language Activities that Develop Reading Readiness - games and circle time activities that build receptive and expressive language
- Oral Language/File Folder Activity - lesson plan
- Practice with Antonyms - The exercises are grouped into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. Be sure to have a dictionary handy!
- Practice with Homonyms - The exercises are grouped into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. Be sure to have a dictionary handy!
- Practice with Synonyms - The exercises are grouped into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. Be sure to have a dictionary handy!
- Say it Another Way - select a synonym for the missing word
- Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homonyms - Read each pair of words; write S, A, or H beside the pairs
- Synonym Challenge - identify the correct synonyms in a race against time
- Synonym Matching - [3rd grade and above] Find pairs or words with same meaning
- Textbook Reading Skills - Read a passage, from the textbook Interpersonal Communication. Below the passage is a list of words and a place for you to type the matching definition
- The Thesaurus - a reference book that lists words and their synonyms - Drag and drop the words to the right thesaurus entry.
- Vocabulary Worksheets for Test Prep - a collection of resources at Internet4Classrooms
- Word Relationships - Use the drop down menu to the right of each word to select your answer.
- Words That Sound the Same - [Skillwose worksheet] Exercise in using homophones to write sentences
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