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3rd Grade - Language

3rd Grade English Language Arts - Language Standards

All links in the pages below were verified in December, 2014

To work on third grade language standards, click on the numbers below to visit pages of internet resources for each of the learning standards.

Checks for Understanding are at the top of this page. Scroll down to find internet resources related to the State Performance Indicators (SPIs).

Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0301.1.1 Parts of Speech - Know and use appropriately the meaning, forms, and functions of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
0301.1.2 Usage Errors - Recognize and avoid errors in Standard English usage (e.g., to/too/two; their/ there/ they�re).
0301.1.3 Capitalization - Know and apply correctly the rules for capitalization. e.g.names, dates, cities, and states, addresses, holidays, titles of books, first word in a sentence, proper nouns, titles, abbreviations, parts of a friendly letter, first word in a direct quotation
0301.1.4 Punctuation Marks - Understand and use correctly standard marks of punctuation,e.g.end punctuation, periods in initials, abbreviations and titles before names; colon between hour and minutes; parts of a letter.
0301.1.5 Comma Usage - Use commas in direct address, dates, location and addresses, and items in a series.
0301.1.6 Use Apostrophes - Recognize and use contractions and possessives using apostrophes.
0301.1.7 Spell Correctly - Spell correctly high-frequency and commonly misspelled words appropriate to grade level.
0301.1.8 Form Contractions - Form and spell contractions, plurals, and possessives.
0301.1.9 Abbreviate - Abbreviate words correctly.
0301.1.10 Orthographic Patterns - Apply correct orthographic patterns e.g. consonant doubling, changing y to i, dropping the final silent e before adding the prefix.
0301.1.11 Alphabetical Order - Arrange and identify words in alphabetical order for practical purposes occurring in everyday life e.g. lists, phone directory.
0301.1.12 Write Legibly - Write legibly in manuscript and in cursive.
0301.1.13 Sentence Types - Recognize sentence types - statements, questions, commands, and exclamations - and apply appropriate end marks when writing and vocal intonation when speaking.
0301.1.14 Subject and Predicate - Identify the subject and predicate of a sentence (simple and compound).
0301.1.15 Complete Sentences - Recognize complete sentences and sentence fragments and edit appropriately.
0301.1.16 Combine Sentences - Combine simple sentences into compound sentences using compound subjects and/or predicates.
0301.1.17 Sound Patterns - Continue to maintain and develop the ability to distinguish sounds and sound patterns within words.
0301.1.18 Words - Continue to develop word consciousness e.g. word play, word walls, word sorts.
0301.1.19 Recognize Synonyms and Antonyms - Define and recognize word synonyms and antonyms.
0301.1.20 Unfamiliar Words - Use a variety of previously learned strategies (e.g., roots and affixes, context, reference resources) to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words.

State Performance Indicators

SPI 0301.1.1 Nouns - Identify the correct use of nouns i.e. as subjects, singular and plural within context.
SPI 0301.1.2 Verbs - Identify the correct use of verbs i.e. present, past, and future tense within context.
SPI 0301.1.3 Adjectives - Identify the correct use of adjectives i.e. comparative and superlative within context.
SPI 0301.1.4 Capitals - Identify correctly used capital letters.
SPI 0301.1.5 Simple Subject - Select the simple subject and predicate of a sentence.
SPI 0301.1.6 Compound Sentences - Select the compound sentence that correctly combines two simple sentences.
SPI 0301.1.7 End Punctuation - Recognize correct capitalization and end punctuation within context.
SPI 0301.1.8 Contractions - Choose the correct formation of contractions and plurals within context.
SPI 0301.1.9 Use Commas - Identify the correct use of commas with dates, addresses, items in a series, and the greeting and closing of a friendly letter.
SPI 0301.1.10 Sentence Type Punctuation - Identify declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences by recognizing appropriate end marks.
SPI 0301.1.11 Order Words - Rearrange and identify words in alphabetical order e.g. lists, phone directory.
SPI 0301.1.12 Correct Spelling - Choose correctly (or incorrectly) spelled words in context .
SPI 0301.1.13 Grade Level Words - Recognize grade level compound words, contractions, and common abbreviations within context.
SPI 0301.1.14 Troublesome Words - Recognize usage errors occurring within context (i.e., double negatives, troublesome words: to/too/two; their/there/they�re).
SPI 0301.1.15 Root Words - Recognize root words and their various inflections e.g. walks, walking, walked.
SPI 0301.1.16 Prefixes and Suffixes - Determine word meanings using prefixes and suffixes and/or context clues.
SPI 0301.1.17 Synonyms & Antonyms - Select appropriate synonyms and antonyms within context.
SPI 0301.1.18 Individual Sounds - Distinguish individual sounds, including consonant blends, within words.
SPI 0301.1.19 Grade Appropriate Vocabulary - Recognize grade appropriate vocabulary, including multiple-meaning words, within context.
SPI 0301.1.20 Word Meanings - Determine word meaning through context clues.
Review Help Resources to help review Third Grade Engligh Language Arts standards



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