Know and apply correctly the rules for capitalization. e.g.names, dates, cities, and states, addresses, holidays, titles of books, first word in a sentence, proper nouns, titles, abbreviations, parts of a friendly letter, first word in a direct quotation. 0301.1.3
Links verified on 12/23/2014
- Capitalization - 11 question - retype the sentences you see correctly using capitalization rules
- Capitalization Game - [designed for grade 4] Read the four sentences and select the one that is correct.
- Capitalization Game 2 - [designed for grade 4] Read the four sentences and select the one that is correct.
- Capitalization Game 3 - [designed for grade 2] Read the four sentences and decide which word in dark print is written correctly.
Capitalization Rules - [16 slides] answer questions about whether things are capitalized always, sometimes, or never - good for a while class review
Capitalization worksheets - Scroll down to the bottom of the page for free worksheets to print. Custom sheets can only be made by members.
Capitalization worksheet - Paste this into a word processor document and let your students correct the errors.
- Capitalization Worksheet With a Vacation Theme - Paste this into a word processor document and let your students correct the errors.
- Capitalization Rules Game - Quia Match Game
Capitals Rule - [17 slides] pick the sentence which is contains correct capitalization - good for a while class review
- Exercise in Capitalization - [for advanced students] Each of the eighty spaces below is preceded by an "opportunity for error" in capitalization. If the word is capitalized correctly, write a C in the space; if it is incorrect, write an I (use capital letters).
- Power Proofreading - [capitalization] Choose 3rd grade then select; Quiz Show Questions, or any one of the mixed practice exercises.
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