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3rd Grade - Writing Standards

3rd Grade English Language Arts - Writing Standards

All links in the pages below were verified in December, 2014

To work on third grade writing standards, click on the numbers below to visit pages of internet resources for each of the learning standards.

Checks for Understanding are at the top of this page. Scroll down to find internet resources related to the State Performance Indicators (SPIs).

Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0301.3.1 Write for Audience - Write on a specific topic to a specified audience (e.g., self, peers, adults).
0301.3.2 Writer's Purpose - Write for a variety of purposes: to entertain, persuade, inform, demonstrate knowledge, answer questions, tell a story, respond to literature.
0301.3.3 Friendly Letters - Write friendly letters.
0301.3.4 Journals - Write in journals.
0301.3.5 Writing Prompt - Practice writing to a prompt within a specified time.
0301.3.6 Compare Story Elements - Compare characters, settings, and events within and between stories.
0301.3.7 Personal Experience - Write poems, stories, and essays based upon thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
0301.3.8 Writing Process - Use all steps in the writing process: brainstorm and organize ideas, create a first draft, revise and proofread draft, share completed work.
0301.3.9 Construct Graphic Organizer - Construct graphic organizers to group ideas for writing (e.g., webs, charts, graphs, diagrams, illustrations).
0301.3.10 Refine Topic - Select and refine a topic.
0301.3.11 Complete Sentences - Write in complete sentences developed into a logical, coherent paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.
0301.3.12 Page Format - Use correct page format (e.g., paragraphs, margins, indentations, and titles).
0301.3.13 Revision - Revise writing to improve detail after determining what could be added or deleted (e.g., reread; rearrange words, sentences, paragraphs; add descriptive words; remove unneeded information; incorporate suggestions; vary sentences structures).
0301.3.14 Use Resources - Use resources (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, computer) to aid in the writing process.
0301.3.15 Rubric - Use a rubric to evaluate own and others - writing through small group discussion and shared work.
0301.3.16 Technology - Use technology to publish and present.
0301.3.17 Publication - Identify opportunities for publication (e.g., national and/or local contests, Internet web sites, newspapers, periodicals).

State Performance Indicators

SPI 0301.3.1 Purpose - Identify the purpose for writing (e.g., to entertain, to inform, to respond to a picture).
SPI 0301.3.2 Audience - Identify the audience for which a text is written.
SPI 0301.3.3 Topic Sentence - Choose a topic sentence for a paragraph.
SPI 0301.3.4 Supporting Sentence - Choose a supporting sentence that best fits the context and flow of ideas in a paragraph.
SPI 0301.3.5 Unnecessary Information - Identify unnecessary information in a paragraph.
SPI 0301.3.6 Sequence - Rearrange sentences to form a sequential, coherent paragraph.
SPI 0301.3.7 Complete a Sentence - Choose the most specific word to complete a simple sentence.
SPI 0301.3.8 Best Title - Select the best title for a text. SPI 0301.3.8
SPI 0301.3.9 Graphic Organizer - Complete a simple graphic organizer to group ideas for writing.
Review Help Resources to help review Third Grade Engligh Language Arts standards



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