Use parts of words (e.g., root/base words, compound words, contractions, prefixes, and suffixes) to decode grade level words. 0201.1.11
Links verified on 12/29/2014
- Compound words - single words that are made up from two other words - Try some of your own compound words.
- Compound Words Drag & Drop - Hold the left mouse button down on a word and move it to make a compound word.
- Compound Words worksheet - Print the sheet and then match two words to make a compound word.
- Compound Word Activity - Use two words from the list to make one compound word. You can mix and match any words. You may use the word once or more than once.
- Compound Words - Help Gus learn to read words with this interactive story that asks you for help in reading.
- Contractions - type the contraction beside the two words
- Fly By Contraction Practice - find the correct airplane to match with the contraction - click Go each time to get a new question
- Prefixes - Prefixes can help us figure out the meanings of words we don't know
- Rooting Out Words - Help Remainder the Dog gather enough mushrooms to sell at the market by uncovering the roots of words. (three categories, several difficulty levels - from FunBrain)
-  Root Words - Quiz 1 || Quiz 2 || Quiz 3
- Root Word Quiz - match words with their roots
- Root word quiz - match word with its root
- Type the contraction - type contraction form of words
- What's a Root? - (work with five roots) Once you know a few roots, you'll see them everywhere.
- What's a Root? (2) - work with five more roots

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