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2nd Grade - Parts of Words

Use parts of words (e.g., root/base words, compound words, contractions, prefixes, and suffixes) to decode grade level words. 0201.1.11

Links verified on 12/29/2014

  1. Compound words - single words that are made up from two other words - Try some of your own compound words. This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
  2. Compound Words Drag & Drop - Hold the left mouse button down on a word and move it to make a compound word. This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data
  3. Compound Words worksheet - Print the sheet and then match two words to make a compound word. This link includes something for the teacher to print
  4. Compound Word Activity - Use two words from the list to make one compound word. You can mix and match any words. You may use the word once or more than once.
  5. Compound Words - Help Gus learn to read words with this interactive story that asks you for help in reading. This resource includes voice instructions for students This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data
  6. Contractions - type the contraction beside the two words This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
  7. Fly By Contraction Practice - find the correct airplane to match with the contraction - click Go each time to get a new question This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data
  8. Prefixes - Prefixes can help us figure out the meanings of words we don't know An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format
  9. Rooting Out Words - Help Remainder the Dog gather enough mushrooms to sell at the market by uncovering the roots of words. (three categories, several difficulty levels - from FunBrain) This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data
  10.  Root Words - Quiz 1 || Quiz 2 || Quiz 3 This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data
  11. Root Word Quiz - match words with their roots
  12. Root word quiz - match word with its root
  13. Type the contraction - type contraction form of words This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data
  14. What's a Root? - (work with five roots) Once you know a few roots, you'll see them everywhere. This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data
  15. What's a Root? (2) - work with five more roots This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data



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